Home Relationship Engagement Gifts for Groom: 14 Ideas to Surprise You

Engagement Gifts for Groom: 14 Ideas to Surprise You


Thinking of the perfect engagement gift for partner for life? Surely in this complete selection of proposals you find what you are looking for. Classics, modern, original … discover the perfect gift for your fiance!

Engagement Gifts for Groom: 14 Ideas to Surprise You

Before starting with wedding preparations, such as sending wedding invitations, hiring a wedding planner, choosing a space, going to try on wedding dresses or thinking about what accessories and bridal shoes will be perfect for your big day, you’ll have to propose or correspond to your request by hand making a gift of commitment. Take note of the ideas we propose. There is one for every taste!

1. A ring of engagement

If you are the one who will make the proposal of marriage, choose a ring of engagement for man from Midwest Jewellery. An increasingly widespread practice and for which the jewelry firms propose spectacular and masculine designs.

2. A watch

The quintessential gift for the groom: a watch that is part of your personal jeweler throughout your life and that you can leave as your heritage to your children or grandchildren. An elegant or modern piece according to its style, but that makes the difference between the others in its collection. In addition, it can be a good accessory to complement the Hugo Boss suit you choose for your B day.

3. A smart watch

Is your boyfriend a technology lover? If you do not usually wear a watch on your wrist because you always carry your mobile phone with you, a smart watch will be the ideal gift for you. There are many models and brands! Find out which digital watch you like the most and look at your face with excitement when opening the box.

4. A fashion gift

The taste for masculine fashion has more and more followers. If your boyfriend has a passion for clothes and trends, choose a biker jacket from his favorite brand, limited edition shoes or an icon bag. Or why not give him a 2019 groom suit, 100% trend?

5. Twins

Another classic gift of request: a pair of cufflinks or a set of cufflinks and a tie needle. Take the opportunity and invest in a pair of high jewelry cufflinks. And, if you want to give her the complete set, include a tie pin. But if your boyfriend’s style breaks molds, bet on funny or themed twins . They will be ideal to combine with an original wedding suit.

6. A music instrument

Is he a music lover? Do you dream of the electric guitar of that showcase you always pass by? Buy him the instrument of his dreams, that for which he has been saving for some time and with which he wishes to play his best chords. Maybe that way you can play instrumental versions of your romantic songs for weddings when you get married.

7. A collector’s item

If music is the thing, surely there is a disc of your favorite artist that is already out of print. Find it in an antique market, in a vintage establishment, in an online store for collectors or at a second-hand sale point. Later, you can create a thread and include a song as a theme for the wedding video.

But, if your hobby goes in other directions, find that limited edition comic that could not get, the childhood book he lost in his last move or the painting or sculpture of the artist he admires the most . Depending on what it is, it can be used as decoration idea for the wedding.

8. A break or a special dinner

Do you want to ask for marriage but you know that there is nothing material that makes you wish? Surprise him with a surprise trip for the two of you or give him a dinner at a special restaurant.

9. Your hobby, your passion

Why break your head looking for something traditional when your true passion is your hobbies? Bet on giving him a quality camera, a game of golf clubs, some latest generation speakers, some skis, the latest computer on the market, a professional bicycle…

10. A driving course

If the cars and the engine are your passions, give you a driving course to perfect your techniques on the asphalt. Maybe you prefer to test your driving skills in a Formula 1 circuit? Take it to a racing circuit and give it a driving experience on a Ferrari, a Porsche or an old car.

11. A tattoo

Can you think of a more romantic and personal gift? Surprise him with that tattoo he has been thinking about doing for some time. Or, better yet, make a tattoo for both of you so that your love is sealed forever. You can choose the same motive for both or choose for two different proposals, which make sense when looking at them together.

12. A gourmet gift

A luxury wine, the best whiskey Scotch, one can of good caviar or any product gourmet that is among their favorites. If your future husband enjoys small culinary delights, a gourmet gift will be perfect for him.

13. A risk experience

If you like adventure and risk and dream of releasing all the adrenaline from your body doing some extreme activity, take it by surprise to parachuting or bungee jumping, for example. The short reaction time will only increase your excitement!

14. Some VIP tickets

If there is something you will never forget, it is to attend the event of your dreams. Find out if your favorite music group is planning a concert in USA or Europe and get the best tickets, those that include a visit to the backstage and the reserved area in the front row. Find out the national and European calendar of your favorite sport (football, basketball, rugby …) and choose the locations of the box, with catering included. Or give him the trip and the tickets for the final of a championship. Maybe it’s not a very romantic or traditional gift, but it sure exceeds all your expectations!

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