Home Relationship 4 Ways to Avoid Toxic Relationship

4 Ways to Avoid Toxic Relationship


We’ll walk you through the first 4 stages to getting out of a toxic relationship. And you must take more or fewer steps depending on your situation to make things work on your favor. You are important though. This is your chance to become happy again. It may not be easy or quick to end a poisonous relationship. But it will be worthwhile when you reopen your life.

4 Ways to Avoid Toxic Relationship

Let’s begin

1) Understand Your Personal Values

Knowing what drives us insane is essential for a successful collaboration. Before you start dating, take a personality test. You will have a deeper understanding of yourself and the qualities you seek in others. It allows us to communicate our ideals while giving the other side the option of meeting us at our expectations.

Being open about our concerns creates space for connection. Being open inspires freedom, and being free of things left unsaid lifts a tremendous burden. Many fights with previous relationships were triggered by my inability to speak well. Lack of communication caused frustration, which drove us apart. Always be yourself and surround yourself with individuals that make you feel safe.

2) Be Your Own Source of Joy

In most circumstances, two halves combine to form a whole. When it comes to relationships, this isn’t very effective. When we strive to pour into others while feeling inadequate ourselves, we become depleted. Half-hearted love is an insult to its strength.

Well, many people rely on others to fill their lives rather depend on themselves to be happy. They frequently take more than they can offer. This is because every one of us has a source within us that needs to be filled with joy. Everyone wants to be liked and accepted, so when they can’t find it within themselves, they look elsewhere.

Any connection we form should be based on love. So many of us are healing from past traumas and attempting to discover ourselves that we end up hurting ourselves more than helping others. Unhealed emotional wounds might impair judgement. They might make you codependent or clingy with your partner. Detachment brings you closer to things than you realize.

Remember the greater picture in this generation of self-love. Confidence is defined as loving yourself sufficiently to become less selfish and more selfless. A healthy you is a happy you. A healthy you aids in the healing of others. Choose your lovers carefully.

Also read: Healthy Relationships: Myth or Reality?

3) Establish Healthy Boundaries

Dating raises one’s fears and concerns. I’ve been referring to them as butterflies. However, when we stick& determine to a set of non-negotiables, we retain some personal power. It reminds us of our worth and our spouse of the boundaries we don’t want to breach.

Always priorities your boundaries when sifting through potential dating partners. Refusing to settle will save you a lot of misery in the long term. Choose persons with good character over those with attractive looks. People who share your beliefs are more likely to respect your space.

In my previous relationship, I became a doormat because I did not set limits for myself. When this became a cycle, my self-esteem plummeted, causing me to become more attached to the toxicity. You fall in love to be lifted up, not trampled on.

4) Dust Yourself Off, Grow, And Start Over

There’s a legend regarding the four stages of personal development. The first stage is as follows: You’re walking along the street when you notice a hole and fall into it. You see the hole in the second stage, yet you still fall into it. At stage three, you notice the hole and carefully go around it.

Finally, in stage four, you take a diversion. Every poisonous relationship provides you with an opportunity to analyses the hole and pick a different path. If you do this enough times, you’ll turn the corner before you step into another hazardous pothole. The best-kept secret of women with stable attachment styles is that they avoid people who can’t supply their emotional demands early on. And it’s a brave step for women who want to be liked. The most crucial thing to ask yourself is if you are in love or addicted to longing. If the latter is the case, it is time to move on and evolve with different path.

Final Thoughts

Life is too short to waste on toxic relationships. Once you realized that this relationship is sucking my energy & I’m not happy to be in this relationship then make up your mind to grow individually. I know it’s difficult but I assure you it would provide you with inner happiness or you’ll be able to see your worth. Remember you are important!

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Mark Berry is an enthusiastic freelance writer who enjoys putting his own twist on subjects such as career guidance, entertainment, translation, and wellness. Aside from his work as a copywriter, editor, and proofreader, he has also assisted organizations in recruiting, screening CVs, and interviewing individuals. Mark Berry currently enjoys providing advice on career development, Credit Counselling, freelancing, and how to ace job interviews as a result of her experience. She chose to create her own showbiz-themed website after earning a BA in Media and Communications. Berry spends his free time blogging, watching reality TV, and listening to the latest music.


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