Home Other 4 Foundations That Could Use Your Help

4 Foundations That Could Use Your Help


There are some terrific foundations in existence today that can really use a lot of help from loving and caring individuals that truly care. Foundations that unfortunately struggle with finances despite fostering wonderful and worthwhile programs to help their programs stay fully functional and operational. Check out the following Foundations, and see if there is any way you may be able to give to them any time or help financially to help them survive.

4 Foundations That Could Use Your Help

The Kidney Foundation Pick Up

The National Kidney Foundation of Utah & Idaho features their kidney foundation pick-up. Givers to this Foundation donate their old cars, ones that they no longer want or use. The Foundation will then arrange with the donor to pick up the vehicle, at no charge to the donor, at an agreeable time and date. This tax-deductible donation will be of benefit to the donor; and donated vehicles, with title signed over to the Foundation, will benefit the charity in any way they can go on to use or sell the donated vehicle. This is truly a win-win situation for all parties involved.

The Wounded Warrior Project

Founded in 2003, the Project provides events, services, and programs as a charity and veteran services organization for military veterans wounded in combat. In addition to all the programs they operate individually, they have partnered with other charities, including Operation Homefront, the American Red Cross, Resounding Joy, and others to extend their outreach. They have established the Track program, a year-long project that helps veterans transition to college and the workplace. Other worthwhile Veterans and Military Programs they help fund include Family Support Programs, Warriors to Work, and Mental Wellness Programs, which provide free mental health counseling, interactive programs, and rehabilitation retreats.

Special Olympics

Founded in 1968, this is a “global inclusion movement using sport, health, education & leadership programs to empower people with intellectual disabilities”. They provide year-round training throughout 172 countries for their 5 million participants. Unlike traditional Olympics games held every four years in the winter and summer across the world, the Special Olympics hold competitions daily, more than 100,000 events a year in local, regional, and national competitions. The Special Olympics organization, like the International Paralympic Committee, is recognized by the International Olympic Committee.

Donors and volunteers are dearly needed, particularly at the local and regional events and program levels, as sponsorship from bigger donors is, like so many other worthwhile Foundations, organizations, and charities, lagging behind what’s desperately needed to keep the organization growing and thriving.

Mel Trotter Ministries

Homelessness continues to plague cities, small and large alike, all across the nation. On any given night, well over one-half million American people are out on the streets without food or shelter. Mel Trotter Ministries has been providing Christian-based relief and aid to homeless individuals since 1900, and continues to seek ways to help finance all the programs and services they provide. They gratefully accept financial gifts, which go to fund so many of their resources they provide the homeless. They gladly accept gently-used and new clothing, bedding, toiletries, and more in their facilities. The profits from their Thrift Stores go toward shelter programs, meals, and more. They are open and receptive to planned giving from gracious donors. And they are always in need of volunteers who can come in and help out as much as they are able to do so.


The American Society for the Prevention and Cruelty to Animals has been a foundation dedicated to their cause since its inception in New York City in 1866. They are the world’s leader in animal rescue and protection, working to put an end to animal neglect and abuse. In terms of cruelty, they steadfastly work on saving animals from hoarding, puppy mills, dogfighting, and other cruel acts towards animals. Helping to find animals loving homes every year, they also provide assistance in animal behavioral rehabilitation and medical care, including vaccinations. When disaster strikes an area, countless animals are found homeless, and the ASPCA comes in and aids in their recovery, rehabilitation, and placement if the owners cannot be found. They are able to sustain their operations from donations on a regular basis from “ASPCA Guardians”, whose monthly giving makes a huge difference in thousands of animal welfare nationwide every year. Of course, they are always desperately in need of more caring ASPCA Guardians to come in and join the team.

So if you have it in your heart and are able to do so, please donate your time or financially to one of these worthy Foundations that could really use your help. The returns on your giving are sure to be immeasurable, and your help, along with others, will help keep these terrific, worthwhile Foundations able to continue to do what they do so well.

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Shelly Lane is a dedicated blogger. She love's to explore new things and share that on her blogs. She joined this platform to increase the reach & interaction with the users on this platform. Moreover, she has written 100+ blogs on various platforms related to various topics and categories. Follow on Twitter to them.


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