Digital marketing is no joke it is a full-time job. If you are into blogging, do not think about it as a hobby. Many people are using their talents and are running their blogs successfully on different social media platforms. One of the most popular social media apps is Instagram at the moment. It is easy to use and very simple. In other words, it is a pretty picture. Building an Instagram profile requires a lot of effort and time. Once your profile is ready, you can engage the audience in multiple ways. The medium of TV is long gone, but some providers are offering the customers quality content. Subscribe to spectrum TV plans and have insights on the latest news and blogs. Spectrum TV plans are offering the customers news and some informative digital world niche to know the new trends.
The Reach of Instagram
Statistical there are more than 3 million active monthly users on Instagram. This shows the popularity of the app and how it is massive as compared to Twitter. There are some people on Instagram that are buying their followers but that is not a ledger practice. Instagram is becoming more relevant when it comes to blogging or business or even just for sharing your pictures. The followers connect with the people sharing their moments with the audience. This way they are building a connection with the people, they do not know. A virtual family is helping them to be a part of something. You can also run service campaigns with brands and businesses across the world. Learn about it through the different bloggers or TV presenters. Opt for a spectrum TV silver plan to enjoy a plethora box of choices. View Package details on cable internet option.
A lot of people have different approaches when it comes to the Instagram Handler. However, here we are letting you know the dos and don’ts for Instagram and blogging.
Crappy photos
One of the biggest don’ts of Instagram shares your crappy photos. Not even the famous influencers can get away when they share flashy photos. The worst and best thing about Instagram for social media apps is that you cannot control the trolling and what people have to say. The crappy photo does not mean that you have to use a professional camera to click photos or you have to be a photographer but it has to be in accordance with the theme and style of your Instagram profile. Post your best shots with minimalistic editing. Keep this one important point in mind that quality is better than quantity. Be a little creative with your Instagram profiles.
Engage the followers
You have to engage the followers no matter how big or small the community is. You have to bring the engagement level up to attract more audiences. You cannot expect your audience to be generous with you all the time with likes and shares. They can be a different type of engagement through the content medium such as a funny post or Jokes and captions. Interact with the community and your audience weekly. This will show your presence on the popular streaming app
No spamming
You should not spam a job profile by posting multiple pictures of a single thing. It never looks cool. Be creative and genuine with pictures and posts. Also, do not follow people with fake profiles. Sometimes these profiles automatically like all the posts, which result in being new, banned. Posting a lot of pictures of the same destination at the same time can be very annoying for the viewers.
Be yourself
There is a lot of glamour on Instagram, but a blogger should be real. Your profile should not look like that you showing off your lifestyle. On the other hand, you are using plenty of filters to look different from who you are. Be yourself admire the natural beauty. Confidence is the key over here. Do not be complex or flashy; just take to the true essence of your Instagram.
Do not promote everything
A lot of influences and bloggers are promoting everything they get their hands on. Always give a disclaimer of paid promotion. If you are promoting or endorsing something make sure that, it is true as per the claim. You are not investing your money, but your viewers are. In this way, you can lose your audience as well, so stick to the basics and do not promote anything before even trying. People follow influencers and bloggers even some admire them, so be wise with what you endorse.
Do not abuse the hashtags
I know after the very important when you are enhancing your reach. Think about the hashtags to create a community. Who is interested in what you are posting not just some random trends. I have seen people legitlycopy and pasting the hashtags, or even use the same hashtags multiple times, just to attract people or increase likes on the photos. Create one hashtag that speaks volumes.
Be creative
Be creative in setting up your Instagram profile. Beat creative Idea projects or some aesthetically designed campaign, be a part of it in your way. The creative profiles are a feature on the main page of the app. know your niche on which you want to build your profile or following on. Do not copy the work of others, as it is a very cheap tactic to gain followers. Always think out of the box to create something beautiful and chic. It goes for your blogging portfolio as well.