Home Education The Beginner’s Guide to Starting Your Driving Lessons

The Beginner’s Guide to Starting Your Driving Lessons


If you are thinking of learning to drive, then no doubt you will be brimming with excitement and eager to get started. Before you do, though, it will help you to find out what you need to know about getting behind the wheel for the first time.

The Beginners Guide to Starting Your Driving Lessons

For those taking driving lessons in Stockport the first port of call for information is your chosen driving school, but in the meantime here are a few answers to the most common questions asked by people embarking on driving lessons.

How soon can I learn to drive?

In the UK, you can apply for a provisional driving licence from the age of 15 years and 9 months, but in most cases, you can only start learning to drive at age 17. A provisional licence will cost £34- £43 and is a legal requirement for all those wishing to learn to drive. You can apply by post using Form D1 (online through the DVLA) or from certain post office branches. Once you have received your provisional licence, you can then approach a driving instructor to arrange lessons along with the theory test which will cost £23. The theory test must be passed before you can take your driving test.

How to Find the Best Driving Instructor?

The best driving instructors are approved by the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency, which means they are qualified to a high standard. The official government website is a good place to look for approved instructors in your area. Word of mouth recommendation is often the most reliable way of finding a local driving instructor.

How Much for a Driving Lesson?

The average driving lesson costs around £24 over most of the UK, but certain driving schools offer special deals for beginners; such as a free second hour with a 2-hour assessment lesson, for example. Block bookings can sometimes attract a discount. The Driving Standards Agency recommends an average of 47 hours of tuition; however many learners need much less than this to pass their test.

Learner drivers who can supplement their lessons with regular private tuition from qualified drivers – usually family members or friends – can find that their confidence grows alongside their driving knowledge. Just make sure that whoever gives you private tuition is over 21 years of age and that their vehicle displays L plates.

How Much Does a Driving Test Cost?

The average cost of a driving test in the UK is £62-75 depending on when you take it; the variation in cost relates to weekdays or weekends/evenings/bank holidays. Your driving instructor will decide when you have reached a good enough standard to be able to pass the test.

Common Driving Mistakes to Avoid in the First Few Lessons

Everyone makes mistakes when they are first learning to drive and let’s face it; this is usually how you learn not to do certain things again! Here are the most common mistakes reported by UK driving instructors:

– Speeding: This is a big no-no! Not only is speeding illegal, it is highly dangerous when you haven’t learned to bring your vehicle to a safe stop. Inexperienced speeding drivers often can’t react in time to hazards.

– Changing lanes or making manoeuvres without first checking mirrors: Many accidents have been caused by drivers not checking their mirrors first.

– Forgetting to indicate: You must always signal your intentions before turning or switching lanes in order to avoid accidents.

– Incorrect positioning on the road: Veering across the white line or being in the wrong place when turning can cause confusion for other drivers around you.

There are others but be assured that with a competent driving instructor you will quickly learn how to avoid these common mistakes.

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Patricia is a freelance content creator & pro blogger. Till now she has served 3000+ clients from all over the world. As per her experience and dedication, she is famous for her writing style, that's why many blogging platforms featured her in the list of top 100 bloggers or Influencers.


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