Home Email Marketing Simple Guidance For You In Email Marketing

Simple Guidance For You In Email Marketing


“Newspapers, televisions, and radios were not enough, now the world has to come to cope with Email Marketing as well!” – Expert at GoAssignmentHelp.

Email Marketing

The more you see the more you buy! Does the above hold true for most of you? Are you someone who also thinks that the movie “Confessions of a Shopaholic” was actually based on you? Well, if you answered yes to even one of the above-asked questions, then you my friend are a soft target for marketing and advertisers.

Not to blame you, but the reality is that everywhere we go we are prompted and lured in by the attractive sales and promotional activities. No, actually come to think of it we are surrounded by teaser ads and marketing activities. You read the newspaper and it’s there, you watch television and again the network of marketing follows you, and nowadays when you sign into your email accounts, yet again you are followed by a trail mail of companies marketing something or the other.

I’m sure you guys must be getting the feeling that the whole world is conspiring against you and wanting you to spend more and more on things that you don’t even need! But, alas, one person’s misery is a boon for so many others! As much as you feel that email marketing is not only tiring but is lame too, a lot of startup companies and established ones too are relying more and more on Email Marketing.

BLURB: 94% of people globally use email, which is why Email Marketing is fast becoming one of the most preferred modes for marketing and promotions.

Before we get into the nitty-gritty of the finer aspects of email marketing, let us first understand what Email Marketing actually is. Simply put email marketing is the use of emails as a medium to promote and market your products and services. This seems like a rather blunt and non customer friendly definition, so one can even say that email marketing is a sought after way of developing relationships with future potential customers and the existing ones. A word of caution for all you keen marketers will be to remember and understand that sending too many emails one after the other, will make your end customers get fed-up and mark your content as SPAM.

We understand that with all the competition in the market, companies and vendors need to market and advertise their products as much as they can. However, the value of something goes down immediately if it is done very often and without any accurate aim in mind. So for all those of you who are now thinking about marketing themselves on the emerging field of an email, here are a few tips to keep in mind

WORK ON YOUR SUBSCRIBERS LIST: If you are a brand that is already popular and established it may be true that you have an extensive list of potential and existing customers. But, that doesn’t mean that you won’t add new names after all, the more the merrier it will be for you. So, no matter how many email addresses you have on your list, never stop trying to get more. A good list of probable customers is your way to achieving success. The more people you reach (keep in mind your target audience), the more chances there are for your product to reach more people successfully.

YOUR EMAILS NEED TO BE PACKED WITH THE WOW FACTOR: Imagine for a person who receives on an average almost 75to 80 emails. Trust me, most of the times such a person will not even open your email and will just delete it. Naturally, you don’t want to be a part of those 80 emails that can be deleted without being read. When designing and coming up with a teaser marketing email make sure you make your subject line irresistibly attractive and compelling. Your audience is very smart, so every once in a while put in the extra effort of adding a slight human touch to your emails. They shouldn’t look like one of those auto mailers which are generated. Trust me no one will give it a second look even if they do go on to open it at first.

DON’T BECOME SPAM-A- LICIOUS: Let’s face it, one of the ways a company gets a database of these emails, is when customers have subscribed to getting information from them. An important thing to keep in mind is to ensure that you are sending the email to only those customers who are still active subscribers. There will be no point if you send emails to half of those people who are not even on your subscriber’s list because most of them will be going straight to the spam folder.

MAKE THEM CRISP AND CONCISE: A major tip to getting noticed is by keeping your information short and sweet. Believe me; you do not want to write stories around your product/ service, because no one is going to read them. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary that you don’t make your marketing email very text heavy and mention all the information in crisp and concise bullet points.

IF WE ARE UNWANTED, WE WON’T BOTHER YOU: Most companies face a dead end with email marketing because they do not give their customers that one basic choice of unsubscribing. It is possible that some customers who chose to subscribe to your mailers want to opt out of it later. The last thing they would want is to receive emails when they no longer need your service/ product. Always make sure that you make unsubscribing as easy as you make subscribing for your end customers.

TRACK THE EFFICIENCY: Alright so you have emailed a dozen of people your marketing email and you are doing it religiously every second day. But, how effective are these emails turning out for you? There is no point playing this number game if there are no end results. How do you know whether the emails that you are sending, are even being read? The one way to go about it is to regularly track your performance and maintain a database of the positive responses that you get through every email.

The biggest reason for failure in email marketing comes from the fact that people don’t understand its pros and cons. We get it that email marketing is one of the most affordable ways to market yourself, however, that doesn’t mean you keep bombarding people with a charade of unwanted emails. As easy as it is to score new customers through this medium, it is easier to lose a lot more than them as well. So, be cautious and be extra careful as well.


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