Home Email Marketing Improving Your Email Open Rate

Improving Your Email Open Rate


We live in the age of online gurus. If you need help with your business marketing, there’s someone who can assist. If the problem is more personal in nature, you’ll get advice too.

For a business person trying to make the maximum profit, it can also be a step too far. Where do you even start? What piece of advice do you work on first?

Improving Your Email Open Rate

For most businesses, the most pressing need is to rack up more sales. That’s why for this post we decided to discuss how to improve your email open rate. We’ve got another post on the site that deals with guidance in getting your emails through to the end user.

Start at the Very Beginning

Where’s that? The email address you’re sending the message from. It’s essential to give people an idea of which company is sending the message. If they recognize the sender, they’re more likely to read the message.

Now Look at Your Subject Line

Think about how many emails you get every day. How many of those did you open? Email marketing is an effective and cheap solution. There’s a catch, though — you have to make people somehow to read the email. Without a killer subject line, it is bound to end up in the slush pile.

What’s a killer subject line? One that intrigues your target market. One that makes them want to open the mail. As an example, campaigners for Obama tried a number of subject lines. You’ll never guess which got the most responses because it’s not something most of us would have thought of.

The subject line that made the biggest splash was one that said, “Hey.” Notice it’s short, to the point, and catches the attention. Think outside the box and in terms of what would stand out for your target market.

Are they mainly millennials? Then why not throw in an emoji or two? At the very least, do try and use their name in the subject line since personalized subject lines generate 50% higher open rates.

Don’t Neglect the Preheader

The information here is what shows up just underneath the subject line in the preview. Make sure that you put in another hook here. Give them some indication of what your email is about, and include a call to action for them to read your email.

Don’t simply copy what you said in the subject line. That’s wasting a golden opportunity.

Final Notes

With these three tips in mind; look over some of your past campaigns. Are there things that could have gone better? What can you do differently with your next campaign? As always with marketing, we never stop trying to improve our results, because that’s the best way to succeed overall.

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Patricia is a freelance content creator & pro blogger. Till now she has served 3000+ clients from all over the world. As per her experience and dedication, she is famous for her writing style, that's why many blogging platforms featured her in the list of top 100 bloggers or Influencers.


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