Home Web 12 Superb Web Design Tricks that will Boost your SEO

12 Superb Web Design Tricks that will Boost your SEO


Are you bored of the laggy and dull-looking website that you are using as an online face of your business? Then most probably this might be the right time for you to hire expert web designer and land yourself an amazing, attractive and dynamic website.

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However, just having a cool site won’t solve your problem and wouldn’t rank you high on SEO. But with these 12 Superb Web Design Tricks you can surely hit the charts in SEO rankings.

Website Layout Design

It not just one of the most important components for effective presentation of your site content but also necessary for the first impression in front of your visitors. The audience that got to know you via your online presence that is your website will perceive your attitude towards your business by website design and functionality. At this point, if your website layout is all messed up then the rest of the website is sure to be a lot messier.

To prevent this from happening you need to make sure that you have an amazing layout. Also, be sure to check out the new industry trends or go for a classic layout. Whatever you do make sure that you have a strong base layout for your site, compatible with your business requirements.

User-Friendly Interface

One of the reasons why your users tend to stay on your website is due to an extremely friendly interface. A user interface is what your visitors interact with on your website. Everything from a beautiful looking site to a highly versatile feature of the site comprises to give an amazing user experience.

A user-friendly interface is powerful enough to either create a strong user interface or completely destroy it. It creates a link between you and your users. So make sure to hire the best of the best web designer to get yourself a unique and amazing interface.

Cross-Platform Development

SEO or Search Engine Optimisation can be fully optimised, if and only if you are able to reach all of your targeted audience. For that, you need to make sure that your website is compatible with different platforms like different browsers, devices, operating systems etc. You need to make sure that your audience gets the best experience, irrespective of which machine and operating system they are using. Your site should work well on desktop, iOS and Android as well. An effective cross-platform developer can get this done for you, so make sure to have a site that works smoothly across all the devices.

Website Colour Scheme

It’s always a good idea to look at the top brand’s website, and get the best out of it. Well, the first thing you would observe when you will see these top website design is a trendy colour scheme on all its pages. It is so impressive that you can simply tell which website you are on, just by looking at their colour scheme. A websites colour scheme plays an important role in visually imprinting an image of your website design and your brand in your users mind. So when next time they would want any services or products related to your business, the first that would come to their mind will be your website.


If you are someone who is visiting and using different websites since the 2010s then you might have a faint memory of websites utilizing sidebar to scroll to the end of the page. Once a revolutionary idea is now almost extinct and not even the basic of the basic sites nowadays uses these sidebars. So if you are using one of those scrollbars on your website, then we would recommend you to update your site as soon as possible. The only good it is going to do for you is, interfere and weigh down your SEO. So make sure to have all modern components on your sites, it’s really important to cope up with the latest industry standards.


Sometimes overdoing something can destroy its meaning. Same is the case with a website design, if you try to pack a lot of things into a small web page then, it might have a negative effect on both your website design and SEO. Minimal web design is a trend currently and it also acts as one of the best SEO boosters. Simple website design is a lot more effective and visually attractive and fairly easy to understand. Also, most of the people prefer a site with minimum design and a lot of different functionalities. So if you want an SEO friendly website, then consider adding simplicity to your website design.

Relatable Content

Everyone visits your website for good and relatable content. So it’s important that whatever you write on your website is highly relatable and brief. By brief we mean provide everything that is necessary and yet write small content. Make sure to analyse your target audience and get your content style configured accordingly.

Although there are various content writers out there on the market that can do this task for you we recommend to do it yourself as nobody knows your business more than you do. You can though always take the advice from SEO experts for the type of content to put on.

Script Syntax

Well, syntax might not matter a lot to you, but really important for a developer to understand your website’s backend and front end code. So make sure that you have a nice clean syntax and a well-documented code.

Descriptive tag

If you want to rank high on your SEO, then you need to make sure that your ALT tags have a proper description.


You don’t have much to do when it comes to SERP, so it is recommended to utilise everything. URLs are also a great way to do it, by making sure that you have a small, self-descriptive URL.


This might just completely destroy your image in the online market and also get you banned from some of the search engines. So make sure that all of your content is plagiarism-free.

JS file

JavaScript is your front language used to make your website more user-friendly and attractive. Although JS files are really light, having a lot of stacked up might make your website heavier.

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Patricia is a freelance content creator & pro blogger. Till now she has served 3000+ clients from all over the world. As per her experience and dedication, she is famous for her writing style, that's why many blogging platforms featured her in the list of top 100 bloggers or Influencers.


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