Home Design Web Design Trends for 2019

Web Design Trends for 2019


A lot of Web Design companies in Pakistan offer to create web pages by utilizing some of the latest trends in this field. They know that every year a lot of new and old trends make their way in the market of web designing, which can be utilized to create effective visuals, graphics, and web technology. Here is a list of the best web design trends seen in 2019:

Web Design Trends for 2019

1. Using creative and artistic illustrations

Where words don’t work, illustrations do. Sometimes seeing a visual and interesting representation of a message you are trying to communicate can appeal a lot many times than the usual text. Famous illustrators have collaborated with big names like Dropbox or Airbnb to provide them with creative illustrations. This can help to communicate their message in a loud and clear manner.

2. Using typography

You can pick any ecommerce website in Pakistan and see how well they have utilized the essence of typography. Big bold letter can attract attention immediately to the message. Not just black and white, now you can also add animations in between or even add different fonts, in vertical and horizontal manner to create a different look.

3. Going back to Minimalism

Minimalism has always been in trend. In web design, black and white palettes are used very commonly as not only they are clutter free but can also be easy to work with. Both these alternative colors give a striking look together, so that the user can focus on the different shapes and textures used in between.

4. Using Video Content on your page

When you search for anything on Google, it gives you the video results on top of the webpage. What it means is, that video content is always in trend and more attention grabbing. It is so much easier to go through one video than to skim through so many pages of text. Reading requires a lot more focus into visualizing, whereas video does that job for you. You can easily see the product in front of you and know what you are wanting.

5. Making navigation easy for users

When users are scrolling on their phones, they mostly use their thumbs. Designs need to be more thumb friendly based on how the users hold their phones, their movement etc. much important parts of a page are moved across the screen which can easily be clicked by a user who is using the page by his thumb predominantly, therefore making it more user-friendly and easy to navigate through the page.

6. Clear and elegant designs

A lot of webpages have taken out the clutter and replaced with designs that are clean and give a classy aesthetic appeal. Not only it frees up more space on the page, a lot of other interesting options can be added on the page. Instead of vibrant animations and colour schemes, the texts and fonts used are not more subtle and in a cohesive format, therefore do not appear as if all over the place.

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Patricia is a freelance content creator & pro blogger. Till now she has served 3000+ clients from all over the world. As per her experience and dedication, she is famous for her writing style, that's why many blogging platforms featured her in the list of top 100 bloggers or Influencers.


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