Home Business Is Video Call A Better Alternative for Business Communication These Days?

Is Video Call A Better Alternative for Business Communication These Days?


Businesses use different communication solutions to communicate with their customers, clients as well as employees. The objective of using any communication solution for a business is to make sure that the communication is as clear and engaging as possible. The importance of conveying the message across in clear terms and giving the other party the opportunity of being heard should never be undermined. The success of a business rests on good communication between different parties.

Is Video Call A Better Alternative for Business Communication These Days

If as a business you are not able to understand what your customer wants or has a problem with, you are likely to provide them with the wrong solution. Also, when you are reaching out to people with your products, you need to communicate to them all the feature and benefits of those products in the most unequivocal terms possible. If you don’t do that, you are likely to see your sales declining with every passing day. So, the communication mode and channel you use has a direct impact on your sales as well as customer service efforts. If you don’t choose the right solution, you won’t be able to reap the rewards.

Most of businesses these days use email, voice, or chat based communication solutions. They have proven to be quite effective as well in helping businesses meet their needs and achieve their objectives. However, they aren’t the best mode of business communication available out there. If businesses want to gain a competitive edge and provide their customers with a unique solution, they need to look for a communication mode that can help them do that.

Video communication is fast becoming the go-to solution for businesses across the world. The pandemic has also been a major factor in all of this. And video call solutions are better than voice call solutions in terms of engagement as well.

Before moving onto video call solutions, let us first discuss a little about voice call solutions. Most companies and call centres use predictive dialer software when it comes to voice call solution. What is a predictive dialer software in the first place? A predictive dialer software makes use of different algorithms and mathematical formulas for predicting available of agents as well as average call answer time. Based on the prediction, it then changes the dialling rate.

Other things that a predictive dialer software does is give you the number of unsuccessful call attempts made on different phone numbers and whether or not those numbers need a call back. A predictive dialer software is used for outbound voice calls. This software can also be used for making video calls but there are many disadvantages of this software that go against it.

As we already mentioned that a predictive dialer uses algorithms, so it takes a lot of time to work perfectly for a business or call center. It will take time to understand the environment and then develop a pattern that fits it. As it waits for agents to become available, it makes customers wait for their turn. That’s not the best thing when you are trying to boost customer satisfaction. And predictive dialer software is quite complicated. Not everyone can get around it in order to make it work for them.

So the focus of companies shouldn’t only be on finding a video call solution but also the right one. Just any solution won’t work. You need something that can meet the rising expectations of customers from the companies that they buy from or do business with. Even if you are a call center, you need to provide business clients with business communication solutions that use the latest technology and are effective as well.

There are several benefits of using video calling solutions over traditional modes of communication, such as voice, chat, and email amongst others. The first thing is that a video call provides a more personalised experience to the customer. Communication is always better when you can see the person you are talking with. Face-to-face communication helps in building trust between the two parties.

Also, agents have a better opportunity to make the customer understand what they are trying to say. And the resolution usually takes place in the first call itself. In most cases, there is no need to make more calls. Also, when customer clearly understands what agents are telling them, they can be more confident and quick in their buying decisions, which is a great thing for a business.

KENT CamCall is a live video call solution that comes from the trusted name of KENT. It has advanced features that make it a better alternative than other such solutions available in the market today. The best thing – It takes away the need to schedule calls.

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Shelly Lane is a dedicated blogger. She love's to explore new things and share that on her blogs. She joined this platform to increase the reach & interaction with the users on this platform. Moreover, she has written 100+ blogs on various platforms related to various topics and categories. Follow on Twitter to them.


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