Home Real Estate How to Sell Your North Carolina House

How to Sell Your North Carolina House


Are you preparing to sell your North Carolina house? The selling and buying process can be difficult at times, and it’s a lot more tedious than some might believe. To help you reduce some of the stress surrounding the situation, we’ve put together a guide on how to sell your home.

How to Sell Your North Carolina House

There are a few things you want to do to prepare the house for the market. Then, it’s important to know how to price the house and eventually list it for sale and get it sold. If you’re having trouble figuring out all of these important steps, don’t panic.

Unless you buy and sell homes for a living, it’s not expected of you to know how to do so. Instead, continue reading below. Here’s everything you need to know about getting your North Carolina house sold!

Know When to Sell

The first factor to consider is when to sell. Generally speaking, buyers are more active during the spring and summer. The weather is nice during these times, which makes for a more enjoyable home-shopping experience. Families also want to find a home during these times when children are out of school so they can get settled and register their children at a new school before August.

If you can list your home during the spring or summer, then you may have more potential buyers and offers. It’s also a good idea to do some research on the buyer and seller’s market in North Carolina. This way, you have a better idea about the ideal time to list your home.

Hire a Real Estate Agent

There’s no denying that a lot goes into the process of selling a home. Understanding market trends and the overall process won’t happen overnight. There’s a lot to learn, but with the right guidance, you won’t have to worry about doing too much of your own research.

Hiring a real estate agent can take the burden off of your hands and reduce stress levels. Real estate agents are professionals who know the ins and outs of the market in your neighborhood. They also know how to properly write advertisements and stage the home.

They can give you advice and answer any questions you may have.

Make Updates and Repairs

Depending on the condition of the house, there might be some updates and repairs to make. If you want to make updates to the house to help it sell quicker, then try to focus on inexpensive cosmetic projects. For example, a fresh coat of paint on all interior and exterior walls can give the house a fresh new look.

Lift any stained carpeting and replace it with new carpeting. Paint old cabinets in kitchens and bathrooms the same color and replace old hardware. Repairs to focus on are ones that would prevent you from selling the house.

For example, problems with the foundation should be corrected before selling. Buyers will have an inspector look over the house and then request you either fix it first or reduce the listing price accordingly so the buyers can have it done.

Boost the Curb Appeal

Boosting the curb appeal of the house will also help it sell more quickly. The curb appeal is the first thing buyers will see when approaching the house. You don’t need to spend too much time or money on the curb appeal either.

You simply want it to look good. For example, remove any debris in the yard and mow the lawn. Trim shrubs and tree branches.

You can also consider laying down new mulch in the garden beds for a fresh look. If desired, then you can plant new colorful flowers and hang exterior decor as well.

Look at the Comps

When it’s time to decide on a listing price, you’ll need to look at the comps. Comps are other homes in your neighborhood similar to yours. These homes will have the same number of rooms, bathrooms, similar square footage, and so on.

Looking at the comps will give you a good idea about what to list your own home for. See what these homes sold for, what their listing prices are, and which homes have sat on the market for too long. Your real estate agent will be able to help you with the listing price as well.

Market and Advertise

Having a house for sale at the right price won’t get your house sold alone. You need to market the house and advertise to reach potential buyers. Where you place your advertisements and how you write the description both matter.

All pictures used on the ads should be professionally done also. Combine these together, and you already have a great start for a marketing strategy. A real estate agent will also know how to write well-written home descriptions, what platforms to post ads on, how to stage a house for sale, and how to take amazing photos that’ll attract buyers.

Consider All Types of Buyers

Now it’s time to consider all types of buyers. Selling your house to cash buyers is beneficial because you don’t have to spend time worrying about making updates or repairs to the house. It also streamlines the selling process because you cut out the need for a lender and lender approval.

Check out different cash buyers in your area like this company and see how selling to one might be beneficial to you.

Get Your North Carolina House Sold

You can get your North Carolina house sold quickly when you use the helpful tips listed in this guide above! Be sure to keep all of these house-selling tricks in mind before listing your house on the market. Remember to consider all buyer types and skip a few of these steps if you choose to sell to a cash buyer.

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Shelly Lane is a dedicated blogger. She love's to explore new things and share that on her blogs. She joined this platform to increase the reach & interaction with the users on this platform. Moreover, she has written 100+ blogs on various platforms related to various topics and categories. Follow on Twitter to them.


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