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How To Optimize A Magento 2 Website For Google Search Engine And Increase Website Traffic?


Magento search engine optimization can be the factor that plays a key role in determining the success or failure of your eCommerce platform. The process of purchasing online starts with a simple google search. Experts suggest that more than 93% of online experiences initiate from a search engine. In the general case, the consumer is clueless about the quality of the product and the brand to opt for, hence making the journey to start from a query or search engine derived results.

How To Optimize A Magento 2 Website For Google Search Engine And Increase Website Traffic?

An expert Magento Development Company can help optimize the online experiences with your eCommerce platform with the help of search engine optimization.

Another study reveals that more than 75% of users that rely on search engines do not scroll beyond the first page. All the facts mentioned makes it important for your services to be displayed on the first page of Google, and this is highly dependent on the ranking of your page.

This article aims to cover the importance of the SEO team in flourishing your business. Also, the article refers to the best practices involved with optimizing the Magento 2 website for Google search engine and increased website traffic.

Advantages of SEO

The SEO team can make the difference between making your presence felt on Google with every related search to making it feel as if it doesn’t even exist. SEO is the key element responsible for deviating traffic onto your eCommerce platform from the search engine result page.

SEO is capable enough to kickstart your newly established eCommerce platform or even maintain the traffic of a well-established brand. Scroll down to discover the list of advantages related to SEO.

  • It helps the customers to conveniently locate your website in the vast ocean.
  • It helps you to expand your operational domain and therefore impact your revenue generation.
  • Strategic search engine optimization can enhance the conversion rates of visitors into customers.
  • SEO can be a game-changer when it comes to increasing brand awareness.
  • SEO enhances the marketing efficiency as well as effectiveness.

When you are aware of the importance of SEO for your eCommerce platform, let us now take a peek into optimizing Magento 2 website for increased website traffic.

Tips On Optimizing Magento 2 Website For Increased Revenue

Considering the tips that are mentioned below are likely to boost up the customer’s experience who visits your digital business platform. Make sure to read each of them without skipping any.

Speed Up eCommerce Website

Google prefers the websites that are quick responding and give a lag-free navigating experience. There are a variety of tools available that helps you figure out the website speed and rectify any loophole.

Upgrading Magento Platform

It is always advised to keep the software up to date to maintain the performance and meet the safety standards. The Magento development company launches frequent updates to improvise the existing platform in a more efficient one. It is important to keep track of the recent updates launched by the service providers.

Optimizing Product Image

Customizing your website with the latest and high-quality images also plays a vital role in making your page visible in the search results. Make sure to adopt an approach that focuses on reducing the image size, however maintaining high resolution.

Mobile-Friendly Google Search Console

Google search console supports administrative and reporting activities. It allows the user to track the website’s traffic. It also empowers you by promoting smooth monitoring and space to rectify any found loophole.

Emphasizing On Local Search

Local search plays a vital role in determining the visitors’ traffic on your website. At least seven out of 10 customers accessing a website or making a purchase is inspired by the local search results that are displayed. Modulating the Magento 2 website such that your platforms achieve adequate visibility when searched locally is important.

Most of the searches that are carried out via mobile devices are capable enough to influence the customers purchasing mindset, and hence local search plays an important role in landing up new customers.

Cost Of Magento 2 Site

A stable, flexible and secure website is much needed in today’s world to run any business. Many reasons motivate business operators to invest in the development of these digital solutions.

A basic Magento 2 website can be developed for anywhere around $20000 more or less. However, if the complexity of the app development increases, the price may range up to $100000 or even more.

Final words

After reading this article, you must have got a deep insight into the part that SEO plays in magnifying your eCommerce business. All the tips that are mentioned in the article aim to support your website and increase its visibility after a user carries a simple Google search.

Magento 2 is an effective software for creating and editing websites with the help of the powerful tools that it features. Magento development company can help you in creating an online solution for your business and optimize it for increased sales and eventually increasing ROI.

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Shelly Lane is a dedicated blogger. She love's to explore new things and share that on her blogs. She joined this platform to increase the reach & interaction with the users on this platform. Moreover, she has written 100+ blogs on various platforms related to various topics and categories. Follow on Twitter to them.


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