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How Bike Taxi App Can Make The Situation Better For Transportation Business Entrepreneurs Amid COVID-19?


It is quite ironic to witness the decline of on-demand taxi platforms and the rise of other on-demand services. The business model that started with a company named Uber has spread across almost every sector, be it delivery services or household services. The COVID-19 pandemic appears to be making lives difficult not only for the healthcare sector but also for the transportation industry. With the demand for passenger taxis almost dried up, the transportation segment is experiencing the worst nightmare, the phase that will end soon once the situation returns to normalcy.

How Bike Taxi App Can Make The Situation Better For Transportation Business Entrepreneurs Amid COVID-19

Even amid these unforeseen circumstances, bike taxi apps are surging in demand. Although the demand for transportation has been reduced to a considerable extent, people’s need for doorstep services has increased manifold. Entrepreneurs, leveraging the situation, can launch a bike taxi app that can carry out the role of taxi services and delivery services.

In this blog, let’s look at the five reasons to invest in the bike taxi app amid the COVID-19 situation.

Grocery apps are struggling to cope with the demands

Apps like Instacart, Bigbasket, etc., are finding it hard to provide same-day deliveries. An entrepreneur with a bike taxi platform can collaborate with these grocery platforms. This way, the situation becomes a win-win for both parties. While grocery apps get to deliver customer orders on time, drivers of the bike taxi platform enjoy dual benefits by supplementing the reduced mobility services with the delivery services.

Bike taxi apps like Rapido have already joined hands with Bigbasket and have gained reasonable success. Using cars for delivery services isn’t viable, considering the fact that the cost for vehicle maintenance, fuel, and the delivery timings increases.

Food delivery platforms are opting for the ‘gig’ economy

There’s been ups and downs with the food delivery platforms, especially the safety factors contributing to this sinusoidal demand curve. Having an in-house delivery chain can lead to potential losses due to fluctuating people’s demands. To avoid this situation, food delivery platforms are hiring delivery workers in the ‘gig’ economy. A bike taxi app can join hands with such platforms, wherein drivers get a chance to provide delivery services whenever there’s a demand. By doing so, the overall idle time of the drivers looking to provide services reduces, leading to enhanced productivity and profits.

E-commerce platforms need a robust delivery chain

With people turning towards online shopping, e-commerce platforms are their one-stop destination. These platforms take care of not only aggregating vendors but also delivering orders. While managing vendors isn’t that tedious, having a delivery chain becomes a matter of concern. With most of the delivery workers either intending not to provide services or fearing virus contractions, there lies a massive void that needs urgent attention. A bike taxi platform can easily take matters into its hands by managing its drivers to offer delivery services as well.

The graph for demand has always been on the upward trend with e-commerce platforms. Making the most out of the situation lies in the hands of efficient entrepreneurs.

People feel one-on-one bike rides to be more safe and reliable
According to the WHO, traveling to a destination with open-air ventilation seems to lessen the effect of COVID-19. An air-conditioned taxi can significantly increase the chances of virus transmission. Introducing safety protocols like back shields between drivers and passengers, maintaining proper hygiene and sanitation standards, etc., can come in handy for a bike taxi platform.

This way, people who need transportation services will prefer safer bike rides over congested public services or other means of transportation. Some of the safety strategies worth integrating include,

  • Safety ratings and reviews
  • Go online checklist
  • Safety gear to drivers
  • Back shields
  • Disabling cash transactions, etc.

Smart mobility is very much a reality with bike taxi apps

With people stressing more on environment-friendliness, the need for e-vehicles has surged massively in recent years. E-scooters have already made a mark for themselves in the industry. Besides, e-scooters can pave the way for people to utilize autonomous vehicles. Amid this pandemic situation, wherein people’s need for private vehicles is more than ever, smart mobility can be their one-stop destination.

An Uber clone app, catering to the needs of people with smart mobility trends, can easily register a place in customers’ smartphones. The workflow of e-scooters can yield positive reception among the audience – Users scan the QR codes of vehicles and start their journey; Upon smart-locking the vehicle, they commence their ride; the next user picks up the vehicle by scanning the QR code. This way, e-scooters can eliminate the need for drivers to move from one place to another.


Bike taxi apps are the future of the transportation sector. The flexibility and adaptability of bike taxis to offer transportation, delivery, and multiple other services make them the most reliable and viable option amid this pandemic situation. With these five compelling reasons, you needn’t hesitate to invest in an Uber clone app for bike taxis.

Reach out to an app development company, tell them your requirements, and launch your bike taxi app today!

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Shelly Lane is a dedicated blogger. She love's to explore new things and share that on her blogs. She joined this platform to increase the reach & interaction with the users on this platform. Moreover, she has written 100+ blogs on various platforms related to various topics and categories. Follow on Twitter to them.


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