Home Health & Fitness Combat Stress with These Underrated Activities

Combat Stress with These Underrated Activities


A worrying 55% of Americans say they feel stressed during the day. Stress can lead to issues such as experiencing low energy, becoming easily agitated, loss of interest in activities, and even nausea and chest pain. Therefore, it’s no surprise that people look for ways to combat stress so they can feel more like their usual selves.

Combat Stress with These Underrated Activities

But, what can you do to alleviate feelings of stress? You may have already tried some of the more common suggestions but had little success. Fortunately, there are some underrated activities you can try to relieve tension and cope better with pressure and anxiety.

Let’s dive in and learn about some excellent stress-relief techniques.

Stretch Your Body

Many people practice yoga to reduce stress. But, although this is a fantastic stress reliever, it can be quite demanding. An activity that requires less physical exertion is simply stretching your body. This can help loosen your muscles and joints while also providing a light workout that can release endorphins that make you feel more optimistic.

Stretching is also ideal for people who are feeling stressed but have limited mobility as you can perform this activity without getting out of your chair. You could also combine this technique with supplements used for natural stress relief as well as other relaxation methods.

Coloring In

Another great way to lower your stress levels is to quieten your mind by coloring in. You can buy an adult coloring book and enjoy doing nothing except focusing on creating a bright picture. The level of concentration required is not enough to cause stress, but it can be enough to allow your mind to become calmer.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation

A powerful stress management technique is to use progressive muscle relaxation (PMR). This method involves tensing a group of muscles as you breathe in and relaxing them as you breathe out. You then move on to the next muscle group. This can help with coping with stress throughout the day and also when falling asleep at night.

Slow Down to Combat Stress

It is challenging to manage stress when you are moving at a hundred miles an hour. If you are doing too much, then you can become overwhelmed and unable to look after your physical and mental health. It’s essential to take a break when you are feeling stressed, even if it is only for ten minutes.

Use the time to take deep breaths, appreciate the good things happening that day, and remember that you are not alone. This can ease feelings of anxiety and help you carry on with the rest of your daily activities.

Start Reducing Your Stress Levels Today

It’s vital to reduce your stress levels to improve your emotional, physical, and mental health. While it can take some practice, incorporating stress-relief activities into your routine can have a transformative effect on your daily life. If you start today, you can soon enjoy the benefits and begin to feel more relaxed and able to cope with stressful feelings.

If this article has helped you combat stress, be sure to check out more useful posts in our Lifestyle section before you go.

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Shelly Lane is a dedicated blogger. She love's to explore new things and share that on her blogs. She joined this platform to increase the reach & interaction with the users on this platform. Moreover, she has written 100+ blogs on various platforms related to various topics and categories. Follow on Twitter to them.


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