Home Home Improvement 2019 Tile Flooring Trends

2019 Tile Flooring Trends


There is no place where we do not see tiles. People prefer tiled flooring in workplaces and homes both. Construction contractors and designers are busy in introducing new styles and materials of tiles. There are many reasons to prefer tiles which include their sleek finishing, low maintenance cost, easy cleaning beauty, and last but not least is the affordable cost of tiles. Many people have shifted from wooden and concrete floors to tile flooring. Increased demand for tiles has made designers to bring innovation and uniqueness in tiles. Now the styles and colors available in tiles are uncountable. In 2019 you can see many eye-catching styles in tiles introduced by local tiles Installation Company.

#1. Large Tiles

In the recent past, you would have noticed that people used to prefer large tiles in their offices. These large tiles create an ambiance of professionalism. People seldom used these large tiles inside homes. Area of a home is comparatively compact so people preferred small or medium-sized tiles in homes. There was hardly any concept of large tiles in the bathroom. Now, this trend has changed because builders have tried using large tiles in homes. These tiles actually make your homes look bigger. People even choose medium-large tiles for their bathrooms. Another benefit that attracts many people towards large tiles is fewer grout lines. Grout lines when gets untidy it is very difficult to whiten them again. Least grout lines mean no headache of cleaning them. Designers have also indulged themselves to introduce many new designs of large tiles. Large tiles indeed add worth to your property and increase its resale value.

#2. White Tiles

It seems like the fashion of white tiles can never get old. They always look trendy and attractive. Shine, sleekness, and perfection that they instill in a place no other color can. White tiles are priority of many people in 2019 and they buy small, large and medium-sized white tiles. Sunlight reflected from white tiles make homes brighter and warmer. You can match any wall color with white-colored tile flooring. Home decoration becomes easy because any painting, indoor plant, and vas complement the white color and get conspicuous. White base color provides prominence to decorations that you use in your home.

Warmer Tones Tiles

#3. Warmer Tones Tiles

There are professional tile installation services which recommend some warm-colored tiles. Which are most suitable in areas where winter seasons are long. Honey wood colored tiles make homes cozy and warmer. The fashion of warm-toned tiles changes with time but in 2019 it is choice of many.

#4. Honeycomb Patterned Tiles

Patterned tiles were seldom chosen for homes and offices. Now people are shifting their focus to patterned tiles. They specifically use them in bathrooms. Honeycomb shaped tiles may cause more installation cost but they are quite distinctive. They make your homes look different. Not only flooring but you can use them in designing your walls. This is one of the best ways to develop coordination of walls and flooring. Hexagonal shapes of honeycomb tiles make the center of your floor of attention.

#5. Thin Tiles

We are living in 2019 and it is the 21st century where you can find apt solution for many problems. People shop online and they want reliable products. In past tiles used to be thick and their weight increased the delivery charges for people who shopped online. Now, construction companies have introduced thin tiles.

They have the dual benefit

  • Delivery charges have decreased
  • You can now use tiles at places where you could not

Although thin tiles have to be handled with care; however, they are installed easily. You can install them yourself flawlessly. People are now preferring thin tiles because these tiles have decreased installation and delivery charges. Cost-effectiveness is the most attractive feature of these tiles for buyers.

#6. Geometric Shaped Tiles

Recent home décor ideas are frequently showing the use of geometric shaped tiles and paints. Home interior designers either use geometric shaped tiles of paint patterns. They match the plain base color with these geometric shapes. These patterns make homes and offices unconventional and attractive.

#7. Stone Tiles

Interior designers use tiles to design both the interior and exterior of their homes. Home exteriors are prone to environmental hazards including filthy air and stormy weathers. Paints used for the exterior of homes have a different texture. They are resilient to wear and tear of changing weathers. When you intend to use tiles in the exterior part of a home then keep in mind that these tiles have to be tough. Dust snatches the glim and neatness of tiles used in exterior parts of homes. It is preferable to avoid while tiles in your home exterior. Due to all these constraints, stone tiles are usually installed in exterior parts of a home. They make your home exteriors trendy and impressive. In 2019 stone tiles have been widely used in garages, patios, and gazebos.

#8. Bold Black Tiles

The black color was rarely used in home interior decoration. Presently, trends have changed and black color is frequently utilized for making homes look bold and impressive. Black tiles are used in bedroom flooring and bathrooms. Black tiles in bathrooms bring a spa-like feel in your bathroom. Home designers match black tiles with black silk bedding to create an ambiance of lavishness in your home.

Matte Finished Tiles

#9. Matte Finished Tiles

Shiny and gleaning tile floors have an attraction but matte tiles are a newly flourishing trend. People are confidently approaching for matte tile installation. Blots and watermarks get easily visible on shiny tiles are not a problem if you get matte tiles. These tiles whether large or small are easy to maintain.

#10. Metallic Finished Tiles

If you want metal-like shine in walls and floors then there is a unique option for you. Get Metallic tiles in your flooring. These tiles are not manufactured by using metal rather they are given a look of metal. It is expected that metallic finished tiles will be more successful in the near future.


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