Home Education Why You Should Consider Going to Flight School

Why You Should Consider Going to Flight School


You’ve always dreamed of flying and being a pilot. But you’ve heard horror stories of out-of-state and international flight schools and how they aren’t the best options for many people. So you haven’t pursued your flying career. But now’s the time to reconsider that decision. This post is going to take you through why you should consider going to flight school, no matter where you live or whatever your excuse is.

Why You Should Consider Going to Flight School

Flight School is a Great Way to Advance Your Career

Whether you want to become a commercial airline pilot or simply get your private pilot license, flight school will help you reach your goal. There are many types of flying jobs that you can do with just a few hundred hours of flight time. If you want to become an airline pilot, then it will require many more hours of training and experience before you can get hired by an airline, not to forget pilot gear from a reliable pilot shop. However, there are still many other jobs available for pilots who do not wish to fly passenger jets or cargo planes. For example, if you have your private pilot license, then there are several opportunities that await, including:

  • Corporate/Corporate Executive Pilot
  • Flight Instructor

Flight School is an Opportunity to Make Lifelong Friends

Flight schools are great places to meet people who share your interests and passion for flying. You may find that you have more in common with some of your classmates than you thought possible. You will also be able to make friends among other pilots who are taking the same course as you or who are at a similar stage in their career as you are.

There are many ways that flight schools help students develop lasting friendships among themselves and with instructors. In fact, many students meet their spouses through flight school. It’s not uncommon for a pilot to know every instructor by name and to socialize with other pilots outside of class time. This can be a great way to network and find a job after graduation from flight school.

Being a Pilot Can Open Doors to Other Opportunities

Being a pilot can open doors to other opportunities. If you want to get into the airline industry, becoming a pilot is one of the best ways to do it. This can also help you land a good job in other industries, including real estate and property management. Even if you don’t want to fly professionally, it’s still a fun hobby that can be rewarding in its own way.

The Training Process is Quite Short, Even by Today’s Standards

Most students can expect to complete their flight training in about 8-12 months, although this may vary depending on how much time they spend flying each week and whether or not they have previous experience in aviation. At some schools, students can complete their entire course in as little as 6 months if they are willing to put in the necessary time at the airport.

The average student takes between 8-12 hours of training on average each week. This is usually broken down into two sessions per day: one in the morning and one in the afternoon or evening. The amount of time spent with your instructor will vary based on how long you have been flying, how often you practice, and what type of aircraft you’re flying (single-engine versus multi-engine).

Being a Pilot is a Creative Job

Pilots operate aircraft and are responsible for getting passengers from one place to another safely. They also have to make sure that they follow all of the rules and regulations set forth by their employer or government agency. Piloting can be very challenging, but it can also be rewarding because pilots get to travel around the world and see new places every day.

Being a Pilot Can Be a Lucrative Career Choice

Many people choose to become pilots because they want to earn more money than they would if they had another job. The average salary of a commercial airline pilot is around $100,000 per year, which is significantly higher than most other jobs in America today. If you want to earn this kind of money as soon as possible, then you should consider going to flight school so that you can get your license as quickly as possible.


All things considered, flight school may just be worth the investment. But even if you’re still not convinced, there’s no harm in trying out a few lessons to see if it’s right for you. You don’t have to enter the school with a multi-thousand dollar investment—and in fact, many flight schools offer group flying lessons, which help keep costs down. Try it out and see what you think.


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