Home Business What Messages Do You Convey Via Employee Recognition and Reward Software

What Messages Do You Convey Via Employee Recognition and Reward Software


Numerous studies have shown the immense value of recognising the accomplishments and contributions of employees, especially in terms of boosting productivity and performance. As such, organisations that are on a succeeding path are consistently finding ways to improve their employee recognition and reward programs.

What Messages Do You Convey Via Employee Recognition and Reward Software

One of the most effective approaches to enhance such practices is by using employee recognition and reward software such as the technology created by Redii. This solution makes the recognition process more convenient and efficient, while also enhancing teamwork, transparency, and sense of community.

If your business has yet to adopt this technology, you may want to consider it if you want to thrive. Apart from experiencing the recognition software’s obvious benefits, relying on this technology would also convey the following messages to your employees:

You are important

In this day and age, when many organisations choose to defund employee recognition programs to save money, purchasing a recognition and reward software will send the message that you genuinely value the work of your people. Instead of merely saying “Thank you” for their hard work, you are putting money where your mouth is.

When you invest in technology that will streamline the process of rewarding excellent performance, your employees can readily feel your sincere appreciation. Note that one of the outstanding features of this application is a rewards catalogue/marketplace where recognised employees can choose the prize they want, such as gadgets, vouchers, and others.

You are noticed

How do you recognise employees without the software? Do you hand out certificates to outstanding employees and post their names on the company board that no one reads? While giving plaques or certificates of appreciation is one way of acknowledging good work, it still lacks. This is because not everyone in the company knows the awardees, or they are quickly forgotten.

With employee recognition software, awardees will receive the positive message that their work is indeed noticed and recognised by everyone. Instead of merely receiving a piece of paper that hardly anyone knows, their names and photos can be seen on your business communication feeds and linked to various social media platforms. Note that this technology also allows every member of your organisation to react with emoticons, thus making it more engaging and exciting.

Your work has meaning

Employee recognition and reward software also promote peer-to-peer recognition. This is important to increase employee engagement strategies and retention, among others significantly. When workers themselves choose the recipient of the award, the positive impact is not only powerful but long-lasting as well.

Given that the technology encourages employees to acknowledge the exemplary contribution and inspiration of their team members, the recipient will feel that his/her effort has meaning. As the awardee continuously receives congratulatory messages on the system, he/she will work even harder, and his/her coworkers will be motivated to do the same.

You are Included

If you have employees working offsite, it is easy to forget about them or take their contributions for granted. Whether they admit it or not, they may feel like outsiders as they are not always informed about company happenings.

With employee recognition software, workers offsite will feel included as they are always in the loop for as long as they can connect to the internet. They can participate in the selection process, congratulate recipients, and be recognised themselves.

Using recognition software like the one offered by Redii will help in relaying the above messages to your employees on top of making your employee recognition program more relevant and hassle-free. Embrace the reality that your employees are your crucial partners to success by adopting this technology today.


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