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What Makes A Biometric Attendance System Unsafe for Use in The Current Times?


The world has never been under such a threat by disease as it has been under COVID-19. It has been more than a year now when the first case of this deadly virus was reported in China and the rest as they say is history. What happened after that is a nightmare that the world could have done without. And if medical experts are to be believed, the worse is yet to come. The virus has killed millions of people and affected the lives of billions around the world. India is amongst those countries that have experienced the worst of COVID-19. However, it is also a country that has the highest recovery rate and that has managed to deal with a situation that could have gone out of hand, quite well.

What Makes A Biometric Attendance System Unsafe for Use in The Current Times

The pandemic caught everyone off-guard. And as we knew very little about the virus causing havoc across the world, our response was not as hasty and effective as it could have been. Having said that, things have started to improve in the last few months. Several countries have already started vaccinating their citizens to protect them from coronavirus and others like India are just a few months away from doing that.

How has attendance management suffered due to the pandemic?

No aspect of life has managed to escape unscathed. Every part of our lives has been affected in one or the other. Businesses have now found a new way to stay operational. Work from home or remote working seems to be a feasible enough way of helping organizations survive and grow in these desperate times. Some businesses are allowing all their employees to work remotely while some are calling a few to the office and letting others work from home. Also, there are those organizations that are calling all their employees to work while making sure that the health and safety guidelines that need to be followed to ensure employee safety are strictly in place.

One of the biggest issues that organizations that are either employing a distributed workforce or calling all their employees back to the office must deal with is their biometric attendance systems. If you know how COVID-19 spreads, you will understand why the government has completely banned the use of biometric attendance machines both in public sector and private sector firms.

The easiest way for this virus to spread is through already infected surfaces. So, when a person who is coronavirus infected touches a surface, they are likely to contaminate that surface with the virus. Different surfaces remain infected for different periods. So, when another person touches the same surface within a specified time, the chances of this person contracting the virus are very high. Biometric attendance systems are touch-based attendance machines. No wonder they have been banned by the government.

What is the best alternative to biometric attendance systems?

Considering how fast the virus spreads and that it is going to be there for a long time, human resources professionals and organizations have started looking for alternatives to biometric systems that can serve them in the long run. A lot of companies in India have already made a move to a contactless attendance system and many more are in line to make the switch sooner rather than later. The search is still on for a touchless attendance recording and management system that can help organizations deal with pandemic-related issues. This is where KENT CamAttendance comes into the picture.

What does KENT CamAttendance bring that was not already available?

To begin with, KENT CamAttendance is a touchless attendance management system that does away with the need of employees having to touch the system to punch in their attendance on a given day. It is the ideal alternative to biometric attendance systems that captures employee attendance with the help of facial recognition. It identifies employees using AI-based computer vision technology.

The best thing about this touchless attendance system is that it protects employees against exposure to coronavirus, something which they do not get with biometric systems. It does not require employees to use their touch to mark their attendance. What they have to do is stand in front of the device and wait for it to recognize their face. The time that employees have to stand in front of the device before it identifies them is usually less than a second. What is more important, all your data is stored in the cloud and easily accessible.


The pandemic has completely changed the way we look at things. Whether it is our lives or business, or jobs, the pandemic has given us a new perspective about almost everything. So, when we talk about biometric attendance systems and the risks associated with them, we also need to talk about alternatives that will not make organizations change too much about the way they work and at the same time, help them maintain operational efficiency. KENT CamAttendance certainly comes across as a viable solution.

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Shelly Lane is a dedicated blogger. She love's to explore new things and share that on her blogs. She joined this platform to increase the reach & interaction with the users on this platform. Moreover, she has written 100+ blogs on various platforms related to various topics and categories. Follow on Twitter to them.


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