Home Career/Job Top 10 Job Seeking Tips for International Students

Top 10 Job Seeking Tips for International Students


Studying abroad is not an easy affair; it brings a lot of new challenges along, especially managing your expenses while studying. To live in a new country can be expensive and demanding. So, finding a suitable job to incur the living expenditure is one of the best solutions to it.

Top 10 job seeking tips for international students

Here are some tips that could help you find a good job:-

1. Get Started – The first thing to do is to make a list of jobs that are suitable for you along with the companies. Plan according to your college schedule as it will give you a clear idea of how many hours you can devote to the job. This is the first step that will get you started for your job search.

2. Refine your Online Search – The best possible way to search for jobs is looking for them online. It is a great platform where you can get a number of options according to your preferences. There are a number of online job searching and networking websites like LinkedIn, Indeed, Angel List, Seek, Monster, etc. which are free and proves to be very useful.

3. Exclusive Resume – Your Curriculum Vitae (CV) should be exclusive and stand out as it speaks of your qualifications and experiences. This creates a very positive impression on the employer and increases your chances of getting selected.

4. Online Opportunities – Some of the major companies and organizations employ candidates online for part-time or casual jobs. They mention the vacancies on their websites along with the required details. You should check out the websites of the companies that you have added in your list. This saves your time and is more convenient.

5. Be Alert! – Don’t only focus on the big companies, look out for the local retail companies/stores that offer various job roles. It can be any café, food joint, retail outlet, etc. And the most important tip is to be open to the job opportunities other than your academic field or degree. The companies look for skills and determination for work.

6. Follow-Up – Waiting for a reply from the employer won’t serve your purpose; you have to contact them for a follow up on your application. If still there is no reply or any intimation, leave and go forward with other option.

7. Seek Guidance from your university’s career centre – Your University’s career centre will be a great help in finding you a good job according to your degree and course. They assist you on building up good resumes and are aware of various vacancies, job fairs and skill-building workshops.

8. Stay Connected! – Making connections and socializing is one of the most important thing one should do while studying abroad. It definitely helps you finding good and appropriate jobs. The best way is to join different community clubs and be active in various meetups for networking and meeting new people.

9. Let your Profile speak! – Nowadays, creating and having a good online presence is one of the most significant things for employers. Be well updated with all your social profiles and make sure it reflects professionalism. Along with it, write on the topics related to your field of study to make your profile more meaningful.

10. Be quick! – Don’t wait for the semester to get over; instead, start with your job searching as soon as you join the course. This will help you balance your expenses and savings. In this case, you will have a good job in hand before completing your studies or going for a session break.

Getting a good job might take a bit of your time and efforts, but it will generate good results and help you understand the work environment of the country. It is always better to plan well before time.

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Patricia is a freelance content creator & pro blogger. Till now she has served 3000+ clients from all over the world. As per her experience and dedication, she is famous for her writing style, that's why many blogging platforms featured her in the list of top 100 bloggers or Influencers.


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