Home Technology The Best Big Data Jobs To Go For

The Best Big Data Jobs To Go For


Big data and big data jobs are rapidly changing the way that all aspects of the industry operate. In fact, leading industry experts have estimated that big data jobs will see a growth increase of at least 10% between now and 2024. This is a huge increase when you take into consideration that projected growth rate in other jobs is only estimated to see a growth of 5-7%. So which data job is best for you? Below are a few of the best big data jobs to go for, and what you should expect these big data jobs to offer you.

The Best Big Data Jobs To Go For


Database Developer

The job description for a database developer is relatively self-explanatory; it involves modifying legacy applications designed to work with database setup, designing new applications for databases, and improving existing databases. Database development is currently flooded with new innovations that enable database developers to handle and enhance raw and unorganised data. In addition to offering an exciting and challenging career, database developers are typically offered a very impressive salary. If you’re the type of person who finds themselves motivated by challenging tasks, then database developer may be the right big data job for you.

Database Administrator

Database Administrators are currently in very high demand across several industries. This position generally requires a degree in infotech, or computer science, and is considered to be a big data job that will continue to be in very high demand well into the next decade. Database Administration involves setting up, maintaining, and securing, databases. Data administration positions offer impressively competitive salaries and are perfect for ambitious individuals who enjoy being challenged regularly.

Data Security Administrator

Keeping data secure in today’s climate is of the utmost importance in any industry. This is why data security administrators are and will continue to be, in very high demand. Data security administrators are responsible for not only defining network security, but maintaining, and updating, network security continuously. In addition, data security administrators will be tasked with implementing security strategies that can effectively protect organisations from damaging cyber threats. This rapidly growing big data job has encouraged many individuals in the data and the tech industry, to enhance their skills and better qualify them for data security administration positions. It should be of no surprise then that this big data job can come with a reasonably large salary attached to it.

Data Scientist

Data scientists currently hold the top spot for the most impressive median based salary ( as much as £50,000 or more) in big data jobs. This impressive salary, however, comes with a great deal of responsibility that includes processing and analysing data, as well as extracting meaning from data to better understand and improve the overall business. Data scientists are rapidly being recognised as an indispensable business asset, and this position is predicted by many experts to continue to be the top in-demand big data job for many years to come.

Companies Are Understanding the Importance of Big Data Jobs

Tech and big data jobs are currently leading the charge in terms of sought-after employment positions, and will more than likely continue to do so far into the future. Professionals from all walks of the industry have quickly realised the importance of staying up to date on the latest big data positions, and many are now continuing their education to remain competitive in the ever-evolving world of big data. Business owners and company executives are also understanding the importance of big data positions, and the positive impact that these roles can play in their company. This recognition is motivating businesses to not only expand on their workforce with these big data jobs but offer exceptionally competitive salaries as well.


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