Home SEO Most Effective and Proven SEO strategies to Boost Website Ranking

Most Effective and Proven SEO strategies to Boost Website Ranking


From where your website is acquiring traffic?

If you have a desire to be on the top in the search engine, then you need to create an SEO friendly website. Or, no one can find you.

Most Effective and Proven SEO strategies to Boost Website Ranking

Studies reveal that 93% of the experiences start from search engines. There are 33% chances that you can get clicked. That means that if you are not on the number one, then you are losing one-third of the traffic. Constant and effective efforts is the key to improve SEO.

So, to grow your website’s performance on Google search, you need to follow some set of rules. Or, you can also consult the top digital marketing company to provide you the guidelines to keep you ahead in the google ranking. Here are some proven tips that may rise the ranks to the top of the search engine results.

Ten ways to improve SEO ranking

Publish Appropriate Contents with High Quality

So far, it is understood that the quality of the content plays a significant role to improve search engine ranking. Hence, there is no shortcut to a better search ranking. Users who visit your site expect better quality than any other website they have visited in the recent past. High-quality content not only increases the chance of driving more traffic but also improves the chance of getting onto the top of the search results.

Tips for Writing Quality Content

  • Always write for the user and don’t think about writing for a machine.
  • Take some time and do the proper research on your subject before you start writing.
  • Always avoid any spelling and grammatical mistakes. Use MS-WORD to draft your article first; this will reduce the chances of any spelling mistakes.
  • Think about how the reader might search on Google and try to find out the phrase related to your subject.
  • If possible, try to repeat the phrase 2-4 times in your article with complete relevancy.
  • Use proper headings in your article.
  • Use bold and italic tags to highlight your phrase wherever possible but remember overdoing it may be harmful.
  • Use appropriate optimized images in your article wherever required.
  • Properly format your article concerning alignment and paragraphing.
  • Don’t write your article in a boring manner, try to be more engaging.
  • Last but not least, do not compromise with the quality of writing for the sake of SEO because the best articles are written for humans and not for the search engines.

Keep Your Content Fresh Regularly

Who doesn’t love new things?

Everybody loves it.

Search engines love websites with fresh and new content. One of the significant factors that decide the search engine ranking is updated content. In the recent past, we have seen how Google has changed their search algorithms to provide quality results. Now you may have a question, why do I have to publish new content or regularly update my site as I have already published hundreds of articles in the past, isn’t that enough?

The answer lies in a question: how do the search engines know if your website is up to date and fresh? Yes, it’s only when you post new articles and keep your content fresh and updated.

Updated content not only increases the chance of moving on to the top of the search engine results but also increase the reader base of your site or blog. Updated content also increases the domain and page authority of your website.

Suggestions to Update your Content Regularly

  • Check your old articles regularly and wherever required, update them with the latest data. For example, you published a tutorial on a software six months back, some portion of the tutorial may need to be updated with the most recent procedure.
  • Write and publish new articles regularly; try to post at least one article per week.
  • Walkthrough your old articles and make some minor changes like adding some relevant information and update it.
  • You may add a new image to your old article and update it.
  • If you do not have any content to write, try to find some good infographics and publish it, believe it or not, readers love infographics.


Integrate Proper Metadata

Integrate Proper Metadata

Metadata is information about data; for a webpage, it is the information about the webpage. Metadata is useful for software and machines like Google. These are not visible on a webpage to the user but are hidden within the start and end head (<head></head> tags. Metadata in a page plays an essential role in giving necessary information to search engines like Google. So, you must use proper metadata in your pages to qualify for a better position in search engine ranking.

Here are some of the metadata that is a must for a webpage.

Title META Data
Title metadata is responsible for showing the title of the web page, this you can see at the top of the browser. Title meta tag is the essential SEO tag for any website, and you can hardly disagree with it. Hence it is necessary to use the most critical keyword in the title tag of the page.

Tips for Title Tag

  • Every page should have a unique title tag.
  • Do not use the same title tag for any other content on your blog or website.
  • Include your keyword or phrase in the title.
  • Try to make your title within a 60-character limit.

Description Meta-tag

Description meta-tag is used to display a summary of your web page in the search result page, which is visible to the user. Your meta description should contain the keyword in it, and it should be appealing. Though these days meta description rarely plays a vital role in search engine ranking, you should always consider adding it to your web page. Do not make your meta description too short or too long.

Keyword META Data

Though keyword metadata does not contain enough value anymore in search engine ranking, but still, consider including it in your web pages. You should only include those keywords which are used in your article and relevant to the topic. Do not include keywords which are not even used once on your web page.

Use ALT Tags Properly

Alt tags play a significant role in improving your web page’s ranking. Alt tags are used to describe your media content on the webpage. These tags are the alternative text description for the media files, like images and videos.

You should always use the targeted keywords in your alt tags for images and videos.

Page Load Speed

Page load time is one of the significant factors in search engine ranking, at least for Google. In fact, Google announced that they are going to consider page load time as a critical player in ranking the web pages. Hence you must spend a lot of time optimizing your website/blog to improve the load time.

Tips for Improving Page Load Speed

  • Select a good hosting environment.
  • Enable Compression on your webserver to server compressed pages.
  • Minify CSS, JavaScript, and HTML
  • Reduce redirects
  • Leverage Browser Caching
  • Improve server response time by optimizing your server configuration to the best.
  • Optimize Images.
  • Use Content Distribution Network (CDN)

Mobile Optimization

Use mobile-ready themes on your website, which will render fast and adapt to the mobile screen. Make your website responsive with the proper use of html5 and CSS3, which will automatically adjust to mobile devices.

Remove all Broken Links

Having broken links on your website which returns a 404 error is really a bad sign for your website. Not only it reduces your online reputation but also reduces the chance of getting onto the top of the search engine result page. So, take some time to find the broken links on your site and correct or remove them.

Make your Site Link Worthy

Focus on creating links within the text of your article instead of having an anchor text “click here” etc. When writing, your new article tries to include links to your other relevant posts within the text of the article. This will improve SEO score as well as user engagement on your website. Try to have a balanced Out-bound link on your page which points to high-quality websites.

Use XML Sitemap

An XML sitemap is a medium that can help content creators establish their stake as the content originator. XML sitemaps serve as a medium to communicate directly with the search engines. They alert search engines like Google, to new or changed content very quickly, which helps in faster indexing of the content. Make sure to use a proper XML site map on your website.

Social Sharing

Social Sharing

Social sharing can also influence the SEO rank a lot. More the number of sharing on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn can create a significant difference in SEO rank. Hence use your network and share your posts across the social networking sites. Also, encourage your readers to share the posts on their social networking profiles.

Wrapping Up

These are some of the major methods used in SEO to improve search engine rankings. It is advisable to consider SEO as a primary concern as it is not a fade that can phase out soon. Consider it critical.

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