Home Health & Fitness Is it Safe to Get a Mammogram During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Is it Safe to Get a Mammogram During the COVID-19 Pandemic


Right now, we are focusing on the latest pandemic situation and protecting ourselves and loved ones from COVID-19, which means it is committed to stopping the spread of this new virus.

Nevertheless, we must begin to worry about our general health and well-being as we continue to relax in our “new standard” understanding that the new influenza virus will remain with us for some time. It includes regular mammograms for women over 45 years of age.

Is it Safe to Get a Mammogram During the COVID-19 Pandemic

We have all been withholding our personal health treatments for the past 2 months, but now our overall health needs to be taken into account. In the fight toward breast cancer in women, early detection of cancer with regular mammography continues to be our most powerful tool.

Since temporarily delaying this service, the Queen Elizabeth Health Complex continued to schedule regular screening mammograms to focus on the COVID-19 crisis and introduce new safety measures into its services.

With this QEHC highlighting some key points that women need to know about having their annual Mammography at the time of COVID-19, their well-being is our top priority.

1. First, know about the location.

How safe is the environment for breast care?

Do not wait to arrange a doctor’s appointment because of questions about a medical problem, changing health status, or a preventive appointment, such as a mammogram, whether you are a patient of mammography, Covid-19

“To protect patients, physicians, nurses, team members, and everyone else who visits the hospital and clinic, extensive security measures and protocols are used for hospital and clinical staff. So don’t make decisions before going to the hospital.

2. Second, check the health center or clinic facilities.

Does the health center follow the precautions of COVID19?

  • Health care center follow covid 19 guidelines
  • For all people entering the hospital, screening should be done.
  • Needing all surgeons, staff members, patients, and clients to wear face masks or covers
  • Rigorous procedures for washing and disinfecting all services and equipment
  • Preventing the spread of respiratory diseases inside the hospital, like COVID-19
  • Treatment of a small number of patients.
  • Try to find some early detection of COVID-19, if any patient is confirmed or suspected for COVID-19, try that they will not be part of a normal mammogram.
  • Potentially, in the sense of an escalating epidemic, treatment for a greater number of patients while ensuring proper care for Mammogram patients.
  • Track and handle any medical professionals that might be subjected to Mammogram
  • Effectively interact inside the facility and prepare for effective external COVID-19 based correspondence

3. Third, Safety precautions.

To defend yourself, what precautions do you take?

  • You should take several precautions to reduce the risk when you go to the doctor’s office, in relation to using a face mask,
  • In waiting rooms, practice social distancing.
  • Exercise proper hygiene by washing your hands daily with sanitizer and warm water.
  • Using hand sanitizer before and after your appointment schedule.
  • Do not hit communal surfaces such as light switches and door handles in the workplace.
  • Avoid rubbing your lips, nose, eyes, and face.
  • Don’t come to the doctor or hospitals if you don’t feel well.
  • Although a mammogram only takes a short time to complete, direct communication between a patient and a medical practitioner is required.

The majority of women complain that their tits are lumpy or uneven. By getting your period, having babies, losing or adding weight, and taking some medicines, the way your breasts look and feel can be changed.

Recent research reveals that delaying treatment for non-invasive breast cancer may have dire implications. Researchers also have shown that lengthy delays in surgery for (DCIS) breast cancer lead to a greater chance of invasive ductal carcinoma and a significantly lower survival rate.

Where to contact in this epidemic for early detection of breast cancer?

A safe and convenient location for early breast cancer screening is the Queen Elizabeth Health Center. Mammograms are known to be dominant and effective methods to classify early breast cancer in women without symptoms and to monitor abnormalities and diagnose breast cancer in women with symptoms with the application of advanced technologies of low-dose X-rays.

The team of leading radiologists and technologists from the QEHC specializes in medical imaging processes such as X-ray, mammogram, etc. to ensure that exams are performed and interpreted properly in line with the highest expectations.
We believe in health and safety to safeguards your life.

And, if we follow all the precautions, yes it is possible to get a mammogram during the COVID-19 pandemic.


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