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How to Draw More Visitors to Your New Business


You know there’s always room to improve if you’re a startup business owner. And while it’s never a bad idea to work on the basics – like your logo and website design – you’ll also want to consider what your current customers are telling you.

How to Draw More Visitors to Your New Business

Is your marketing simply not reaching people? Are potential customers just not hearing about your company at all? You can attract more visitors by taking advantage of these easy-to-use tips — without spending a fortune.

1. Start a Blog

Blogging consistently is one of the best ways to reach more people. It will allow you to spread your knowledge, offer inspiration, and create connections that lead to business leads and sales. When someone reads your blog posts, you’ll have a chance to gain insight into what they’re interested in and thinking.

Blogging should be part of your strategy for attracting more visitors to your business. Start blogging by creating an account on WordPress.com, Blogger.com, or Tumblr (for a particular niche).

2. Use Social Media

Social media is the most popular platform for reaching out and connecting with potential customers and sharing information with current clients and employees. The point is to connect with people in a fun and engaging way that boosts business results.

There are many social media sites that businesses can benefit from. For example, sharing content on your Facebook page will also help you reach out to more people in your community. You’ll also want to spend more time using Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+, as these platforms allow you to share your content in multiple ways.

Regarding social media posts, images do a better job at catching people’s eyes than just text. Adding pictures, GIFs, and videos can make your social media posts more appealing.

3. Hire Influencers

One of the easiest ways businesses can promote themselves is by hiring a social media influencer. While it’s not always easy to find someone active on your particular platform, there are many options for finding someone who fits your needs.

For example, you can find a local blogger and offer them a product in exchange for reviews. Also, you can contact someone who has hundreds of thousands of followers and offer them the opportunity to share your post at a fee.

4. Use Mass Texting

Instead of sending out the same information to everyone, text messaging allows you to reach specific groups of people at once. It’s fast and affordable, and it will help you connect with new customers while saving time when trying to reach clients.

When choosing a mass texting service, you’ll want to ensure it can reach all the people you need. If you’re working with a local business and want to reach customers in your area, then a company like GroupMe and Slick text is perfect. You could even consider sending out personalized text messages that allow you to send bulk messages without paying additional fees.

5. Have a Contest

One of the most effective ways to attract more visitors to your business is by running a contest. You’ll want to think through the details before committing to an idea. Try using social media sites like Twitter and Instagram along with other platforms to reach a wider audience.

If you decide to run a contest, there are some rules you’ll want to follow. For example, you’ll need to describe what your business is asking for clarification. You’ll also want to ensure that everyone knows the contest is over, even if the winner hasn’t been announced.

6. Host a New Client Event

A new client event is another way to reach out to more people and attract new customers. You might want to consider hosting an event at a local restaurant or bar or plan a small gathering at your office. Make sure you’re communicating through Twitter, Facebook, and your website when you’re hosting the event.

Hosting a new client event is another great way for your existing customers to learn about your business. You don’t have to stress about running out of business cards or paying for a venue and food, so you’ll have an opportunity to show off your branding and product line.


These tips will help businesses attract more visitors to their business, regardless of the industry. As you can see, there are many ways to improve your marketing by simply using better practices. Make sure to explore your options and reach out to local professionals who can help you get the desired results.


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