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How to Be Creative While Advertising Your Business


The biggest challenge facing many businesses is marketing, and the reason many companies give is a lack of funds. However, even with sound financial backing, a poor marketing strategy can never yield the desired results.

This is why you need to be creative in your advertising to see the benefits of your effort. Here are five creative ways you can use to boost your marketing campaigns.

How to Be Creative While Advertising Your Business

Make Good Use of Social Media

By July 2020, more than half the world population were already using social media. Within the last 12 months, 346 million people started using the internet, bringing the total number of internet users to 4.57 billion.

The growth of social media is attributable to mobile device penetration.

According to Facebook, there are 2.99 billion active users of WhatsApp, Facebook, Messenger, or Instagram each month. This is a goldmine if you want to take your advertising to a higher pedestal.

These social media platforms have unique features giving users differing levels of engagements. By being active on social media, you can reach billions of people worldwide.

The greatest advantage of social media is that you can use content, images, and video for advertising. However, you need not use all the social media platforms at the same time. You can be overwhelmed. Choose the few you can manage and start with.

Use Guerilla Marketing

Guerilla marketing is an advertising strategy in which you can use unconventional and surprise interactions with a potential audience to promote your service or product.

You can use your originality and imagination to come up with something that will awe your audience. For example, if you own a physical store, hire someone to create an eye-catching advert using chalk work.

You can also hire undercover agents to promote your product directly to individuals or organize some flash mob to draw people’s attention to your brand.

Giveaways and Contests

Some people love free things, while others want to test a product before they buy it. You can organize a public event where you can offer gifts to your audience. This will help you connect with the right people and create brand awareness.

You don’t have to spend much on gifts. Just create smaller versions of your product so your potential customers can test or taste them. You can even create the best custom flags with your brand message and distribute them to your audience for free. You can also have items like notepads, pens, fridge magnets, key chains, smartphone wipes, and even balloons branded with your company logo and some catchy phrases.

If you expect a large audience, you can come up with fun contests where only the winners get awarded. If you can’t organize an event, then you can offer the gifts and even conduct the contests online. Working online is even easier because you can invite your customers to download free eBooks or subscribe to free training. These won’t cost much.

Use Content Marketing

Many companies use content marketing to promote their brands. So what will make you different? You must create content that props you as an authority in your niche. It would be best if you focused on creating unique, consistent, relevant, and valuable content that attracts your target audience.

Great content is important to attract your potential customers, but it will also boost your Google ranking. Once you create good content, please share it on various channels. You can share your information by submitting articles to authoritative websites, designing infographics, hosting podcasts, creating videos, and blogging.

All these will help you in gaining authority and help drive qualified traffic to your website. You can also guest blog for another well-established website or create a podcast where you are being interviewed.

Partnering with established companies

If you are working on a budget, you can piggyback other well-established companies. Choose companies that deal with complementary products to your own. You can also choose a company whose products are related to yours but not direct competitors.

For example, if you are selling solar panels, you can partner with en electric car manufacturing company. So, whenever they have a show, you can also display your products.

Final Word

The marketing methods discussed above are surefire ways to ensure your business starts on a good footing. Advertisement or marketing is a matter of creativity. The more you make yourself unique, the more you attract people to you and your brand. Also, ensure your marketing team has qualified, talented, and creative individuals. It is this department that can come up with effective marketing strategies.

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Shelly Lane is a dedicated blogger. She love's to explore new things and share that on her blogs. She joined this platform to increase the reach & interaction with the users on this platform. Moreover, she has written 100+ blogs on various platforms related to various topics and categories. Follow on Twitter to them.


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