Home Travel Father/Son Adventures: 5 Fun Outdoor Activities for Summer

Father/Son Adventures: 5 Fun Outdoor Activities for Summer


If you are looking for summertime activities father and sons can enjoy together, then you have come to the right place. You might want to even bookmark this page. Consider today these great father/son adventures. Each of these outdoor activities is sure to be fun for you.

5 Fun Outdoor Activities for Summer

1. Fishing

Have you thought about fishing? This is a long-standing tradition that fathers and sons can enjoy together, and you should have a good time, too. In your community or somewhere nearby, you should have access to a location where you can plan this activity.

You could go freshwater fishing, or you could go saltwater fishing. Don’t forget that organizing a fishing charter would be fun, too. Be sure to further look into fishing. Not only do you get to spend some quality time together, but you also get to teach children about ecology and the environment.

2. River Rafting

If you are really into the idea of heading to the water for some fun, then you should think about river rafting. No matter your skill levels, this activity should be enjoyed. There also are some great companies out there who organize river rafting adventures for people just like you.

Consider heading out to California’s Kern River. The area is beautiful, and you will be in for a truly unique and memorable experience. There you will have access to exhilarating river recreation organized by river rafting experts. An activity like Lickety Split rafting might be perfect for you and your son.

3. Camping

Now, if you are wanting to enjoy the great outdoors, then you must be sure to consider camping. If you have not ever gone camping, then you really should know how much fun it can be. Not only will you get to connect with nature and spending quality time with your son, but you also have access to various outdoor activities. You could camp in a tent, or you could rent a camper or RV.

For those of you who are not experienced with camping, you should head to your nearby outdoor supply store. Be sure to talk with a pro about all the different supplies you will need. Also, there are great online resources that can help you prepare for your outing. Camping is an activity your son could pass down to your grandchildren, too.

4. Hiking

If you can’t schedule a camping trip, you could look into a fun day activity like hiking. In or near your community, there should be a hiking trail you can enjoy. You also could head to state and national parks for a hiking adventure.

Just be certain you prepare in advance and make sure you have all of your needed gear and supplies. You will need breathable clothing, hats, moisture-drying socks, and comfortable shoes. A backpack and walking sticks will ensure you get the most of this activity, too. Also, don’t forget to bring along plenty of water and healthy, energy-sustaining snacks. If you have a dog, you could look into bringing them along for this adventure with your son.

5. Yard Work

Your son initially might frown upon the idea of doing yard work with you. But once they get started on this activity, it will grow on your child. They will end up enjoying it, and you could even end up saving money on landscaping services you normally book.

When you take care of yard work with your son, you also are teaching them some very important life lessons. They will better appreciate all the TLC that is needed to keep a home looking its best during the summer and throughout the year. If you decide to go this route, you should know children of almost any age can enjoy this with you. Even very young kids could help you put out mulch and/or pine straw in garden beds. Little ones can help you water your property, too.

One or more of these ideas presented above is sure to be a hit for you. Take time now to be sure and prioritize quality father/son time. Your child will appreciate the gesture, and you will be glad you made the effort. Enjoy your time together!


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