Home Education Basic Physics Law And Electromagnetic Spectrum

Basic Physics Law And Electromagnetic Spectrum


There are many basic laws and fundamentals in physics. These laws help to determine and predict the concepts in the subject. Physics is a subject that mainly deals with electricity and magnetism. These two have various branches and scientists have discovered and invented many things based on these.

Basic Physics Law And Electromagnetic Spectrum

What is Ohm’s law?

In the year 1828, George Simon Ohm, a German physicist, derived and elucidated a relationship between electric current and potential difference. This relationship is called Ohms law. The law states that the current through a conductor between two points is directly proportional to the voltage across the two points.

Notation using symbols

Ohm’s law formula is written as;

V ∝ I

Therefore, V = RI

where R is a constant called resistance. R is completely reliable on the dimensions of the conductor and also on the material of the conductor.

V is the voltage passed across the conductor

I is the current passing through the conductor

SI unit

Its SI unit is Ohm. Represented by the symbol Ω.


Using the law three basic formulas can be derived. They are listed below

  • I = V / R
  • V = IR
  • R = V / R


R is a constant called resistance.

V is the voltage passed across the conductor

I is the current passing through the conductor


The various applications of the law are listed below

  • Used in circuit analysis.
  • It is used in various instruments like ammeter, multimeter etc.
  • It is used to design and build resistors.
  • It is used to identify the desired circuit drop in circuit design.
  • Various laws such as Kirchhoff’s Norton’s law, Thevenin’s law are based and developed on the theory of ohm’s law.
  • Household electrical apparatus like electric heaters, kettles and other types of equipment works on the fundamentals of this law.

We all know that the combination of electricity and magnetism is referred to as electromagnetism. The electromagnetism is a branch of physics that deals with the electromagnetic force that mainly occurs between electrically charged particles. It has many number of electromagnetic radiations.

What is the electromagnetic spectrum?

In simple words, the electromagnetic spectrum can be defined as the range of all kinds of electromagnetic radiation. It is a range of frequencies, wavelengths and photon energies covering frequencies from below 1 hertz to above 10^25 Hz.

Different types of waves

Listed below are the various types of waves in the spectrum

  • Radio wave
  • Microwave
  • Infrared rays
  • X-ray
  • Gamma-ray
  • Ultraviolet
  • Visible

Applications of the spectrum

  • Used in transmission of short or long or FM wavelength radio waves.
  • Transmission of TV or telephone or wireless signals and energies.
  • Ultraviolet radiation comprises energies to ionize the atoms causing chemical reactions.
  • Various photochemical reactions undergo using these UV rays.
  • Gamma rays are used for the preparation of nuclear medicine and the ionisation process.

Scientists are still working on these laws and spectrum for further innovations. Various experiments are being conducted in laboratories for the advancement of technology so that it can be used in the widest possible range.

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