Home Digital Marketing 7 Best Practices to Ensure SMS Marketing Success

7 Best Practices to Ensure SMS Marketing Success


SMS marketing is the quickest approach to connect with many individuals that send or receive text messages all around the world. It is because SMS is instantaneous, convenient, and ubiquitous. Not every SMS marketing campaign is the same. Some businesses completely integrate SMS marketing into their overall strategy, while others treat it as a side project. Here are seven practices that will ensure your SMS marketing is successful.

7 Best Practices to Ensure SMS Marketing Success

1. Obtain Authorization

According to proper digital etiquette, always send text messages to those who have permitted you to do so. Its permission-based marketing and text marketing initiatives must succeed. As previously said, you must follow local regulations and follow CTIA recommendations.

You can ask consumers to sign up for text messages offering special deals, new product updates, or other helpful information via a web form, a contest entry, or by texting a particular phrase to a mobile number or shortcode.

2. Set Up Live Agent Notifications

Set up notifications so that your staff knows when a consumer needs to speak with a live person. Customers may continue the dialogue as you send out SMS blasts through SMS blast services and drip campaigns. Your staff may have to be able to notice and get into conversations that need to be followed up. It is something they can accomplish across customer service inboxes.

People in business and teams have a single consolidated inbox to observe and reply to all discussions across messaging applications, including SMS and Messenger.

3. Respond in Real-Time

Sending a text message to your consumers establishes a personal relationship with them, allowing them to reply and provide you with constructive feedback on your products. They may express their admiration for your company, use a discount to purchase, or instantly initiate a beneficial dialogue. You’ll want to employ an autoresponder to deliver targeted follow-up text messages to keep them engaged.

4. Make Your Messages Clear

You have 160 characters to say anything. Ensure that the information is clear, straightforward, and simple language. You should avoid abbreviations, emojis, and all capitals.

Use closed-ended communications as little as possible. An open-ended message welcomes customers to a sale but does not specify when the sale will conclude. Customers are more likely to act if you offer them a particular date when a sale expires or place an expiry date on a coupon since you’ve provided them with adequate information and motivation.

5. Keep Context in Mind

Intelligent marketers know how their ads are doing and can demonstrate a positive return on investment (ROI). Another significant advantage of SMS marketing is this: SMS marketing is a direct, quantifiable, and traceable advertising medium if you have the correct SMS solution. It makes it simple to figure out which messaging and advertisements work and which don’t. It can assist you in fine-tuning your text campaigns and improving your marketing messaging across all platforms. Best of all, for sales follow-up, you may record leads and any text-based answers and queries.

6. Use a Unique Brand-Friendly Shortcode

A 5- or 6-digit phone number is designed for business use and bulk mobile communications, which you’ll need if you’re sending SMS to many people. These codes are simpler to memorize and enter than traditional phone numbers since they are shorter. Best of all, these figures have been optimized for marketing purposes.

Because cellular carriers have especially approved these numbers for marketing purposes, you will not get any banned messages. You will be able to send messages much faster than you would from a conventional mobile phone number. The efficiency of a short code is essential for time-sensitive offers.

7. Form an SMS Marketing Team

To optimize your marketing plan, you’ll need a range of qualified specialists. An SMS company’s marketing expert, a retail expert, coordinators for on-location displays, creative digital designers, social media experts, a promotions specialist, and a discount budget analyzer, among other jobs, may be filled by one or a few persons.

These areas must be integrated, and because the SMS timetable is becoming increasingly compressed, the marketing team must collaborate closely and often communicate about goals, tactics, and implementation. The more experienced your SMS crew is, the more you’ll gain from intelligent marketing techniques.

Closing Thoughts

There is no denying the advantages of SMS (Short Message Service) marketing. Because of its highly receptive audiences and promotions that work because consumers and potential clients receive it conveniently on their mobile devices. Use these practices in your marketing strategies for optimal results.


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