Home Education 5 Things Kids Should Know Before Starting a Preschool

5 Things Kids Should Know Before Starting a Preschool


Preschool serves a perfect answer to the parents wanting their children to excel in life with a solid foundation. It is one thing to prepare a child for the preschool and another to know whether or not they are fit enough for a preschool in Ahmedabad.

5 Things Kids Should Know Before Starting a Preschool

Your kids ought to take good care of them selves before you enrol them in a preschool. It is a new environment with new people around. You’d not want your child to left embarrassed or shy due to lack of knowing a few things.

Using Potty

Sure, there are preschools with options where they’d have teachers and caretakers taking care of this part. But then, it is generally expected of a child to get the potty manners right. Yes, children need to be potty-trained before joining the preschool and should know to take care of themselves. There are two parts to this – they should be staying aware of their nature’s call and they should be able to take care of themselves in the bathroom.

There are chances that they miss out on such calls and accidents may happen. Teachers are well aware of this and are always to help children. But the key is to make children more independent when it comes to their privacy. Making them understand beforehand will do them the favour to at least stay aware of this. But again, do not push them hard to learn it anyhow. They will gradually be ready when the right time comes for them.

Communication Skills

Communication is a two-way technique that involves your children’s ability to speak and also listen. Both are equally important to simplify their lives at preschool. Fostering communication skills early on in their life before joining the preschool helps them to grasp things quickly in preschool. Start with improving their vocabulary by spending time with their doing all the talks, letting them speak and express themselves without cutting them down. Ask questions, use gestures, and immerse in the listening experience as they blabber their story.

They will discuss what they see in the room, identify objects, and also chat about their daily routines. The more they observe, the more they’ll talk. Also, asking questions and providing the right understanding of words will improve their listening skills too. Children should at least learn to say out what they think or make close attempts to make you understand what they say. Lookout for teachable moments and boost their curiosity by indulging in long conversations with them.

Honing Social Skills

Children will learn socializing once they are enrolled in preschool. This helps them to play with other kids and make friends. Peer play sessions at preschool work best to offer this space to children. This means playdates can do wonders and help to hone children’s social skills. Ensuring enough playdates before joining the preschool contributes heavily to nurture social skills amongst children.

In fact, social skills are more significant than the academic ones initially when they are joining the daycare school in Ahmedabad. Starting the preschool journey in the right manner will require children to adapt to the environment at preschool and feel at ease. This is only possible if their social skills are sharp enough to be people-friendly. When children go away from their parents for the first time, they may feel lost and secluded in the crowd. Not having enough social skills may leave them introverts which are, to some point, counterproductive during the early years of preschool. They need to feel comfortable in a new environment and be positively charged. Especially when it comes to taking turns, playing with other children, and sharing their food, toys, etc.

Being Organized

Making your child work to stay organized is a tough ask. Childhood days are such that they keep things messy and really don’t care about putting the toy back to the same place from where they have picked it up. Here’s where you would want to invest your time in training them to be organized. Start by performing activities that they love doing. This involves using colourful baskets and bins to store their toys, counting the objects back and sorting them by shape, size and colour.

For them to do so, you as a parent might have to do a lot of play pretend. Especially to make them look up to you and follow you. For example, any parent running the daily chores to let the child see how you keep your stuff and do things. And once they are done with their play session, ask them to do so.

Readiness to Read and Write

Children are not expected to read and write just at the time of joining the preschool. But at least, there should be a positive trajectory showing readiness to do so. They should be able to identify and speak their name, name of colours, alphabets, objects, and numbers to start with. Blending this with communication skills will help them to understand and follow the instructions given by teachers at preschool.

Initial read and write would not include heavily burdening a child with a lot of academics but enable them to pick the basics. And preschool will do the rest to let them learn more which is necessary to enrol in an elementary school.

It’s a rather tough call to make for parents with regards to what to include and what not when it comes to listing things that a child should know before joining a preschool. It’s not always on the paper and that’s why it requires you to plan the learning activities and things well before they start going to preschool.


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