Home Education 3 Supplemental Educational Activities for Homeschooled Kids

3 Supplemental Educational Activities for Homeschooled Kids


Parental involvement is essential to the success of children, whether you’ve decided to homeschool your children or allow them to virtually attend public school. Each family has a variety of reasons for adding supplemental education to a child’s daily routine. Additional activities outside of the scheduled school day can enrich the learning process, help children improve their grades, offer extensive study to help children advance in grade level, or encourage the natural curiosity of children.

3 Supplemental Educational Activities for Homeschooled Kids

If you’re looking for ways to improve your child’s educational experience, here are three supplemental educational activities for homeschooled kids.


Strewing is a way to introduce and emphasize important educational concepts without making children feel like they’re in the classroom. For successful strewing, you should make learning tools easily available in your home. You can stack a small pile of books on your child’s nightstand so he or she can read a few chapters before bed, or place the books on the coffee table in the living room. If your child is interested in art, purchase some art supplies and place them in a basket in your child’s bedroom or in the family room. You can also purchase a science kit or a kit with supplies for building a small replica of a spaceship or boat on the kitchen counter to grab your child’s attention.

When your child feels that he/she has more control over their educational experience, they are more likely to explore the activities that help them learn. You may also want to have a discussion with your children after they’ve finished an activity to see which strewing activities are most effective.

Open Exploration

Children develop their own interests as they get older. However, strict curriculum mandates may not allow students much time to engage in the things they’re passionate about.

Figure out which activities your children are passionate about and present these activities as a hobby so they won’t feel like schoolwork. For instance, set aside time each day for your child to sing their favorite songs, play an instrument, practice their favorite sport, or build a new toy. Exploration helps your children discover their calling and give them the confidence to pursue their talents throughout their educational career and into adulthood.

Recreational Reading

Reading books is a great way to encourage your child’s imagination and improve your child’s language arts skills. If your child likes reading silently, ask them which books and authors they’d prefer so you can create a reading nook for them in the home. If your little one prefers that you read to them, choose books that get your child’s attention and make them interested in improving their reading skills.

It’s also a good idea to consider a reading tutor if your son or daughter is having a hard time sounding out words or concentrating on a story. If you live in or near the Frisco area, check out a reading tutor program in Frisco TX to find professional tutors who can increase your child’s confidence when it comes to reading.

After your child completes a book, have a discussion with your son and daughter to test and improve their comprehension. Ask your child what happened in the book and which character(s) stood out to them. You can also encourage your child’s creativity by asking them to write a short story about what they think will happen to the characters based on the information in the book.

These suggestions can help your children grasp challenging or difficult academic concepts and give them a love for learning. When your children are motivated to acquire knowledge, they are likely to be more successful in and out of school.

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