Home Lifestyle 11 Photography Ideas You Need to Try In Spring

11 Photography Ideas You Need to Try In Spring


As regrowing, renewal, and reblooming of bio factors become apparent during the spring season, this is a magical time for outdoor photography.

Following the cold months of winter, photographers are surely looking forward to spending more time outside, taking shots of the colorful and vibrant surroundings brought upon by the new season. If you are one of these individuals, here are some helpful tips that you may want to check before you head out:

• Visit a Botanical Garden

If you are not fond of the idea of wandering around the neighborhood to observe the wonders of the spring season, you can simply head toward the nearest botanical garden. In these areas, you will witness the changes that the new season brings.
Also, it can be quite convenient because the variation of your potential subjects is wide. Accordingly, visiting such places will most likely help you with your creative juices.

• Dewdrops

Dewdrops are very apparent during the spring season. They resemble raindrops, but they actually occur due to condensation.

Many photographers have been intrigued by dewdrops because they offer a lot of avenues to create stunning visuals for the subjects. In fact, dewdrops have even reportedly “spawned the development of a refreshing art form” today.

Taking shots of dewdrops can be quite challenging, though, as it will involve physics. So, it may take you a while before obtaining the best shots. Nevertheless, practicing will help you, and it will go a long way.

• Focus on the Finer Details

Apart from your subject, you have to ensure the finer details of the overall picture. This means that you have to consider, as well, the other things that will be in the shot.

Accordingly, you may want to check the patterns, lighting, and even the background.

• Explore the Tiny World of Flowers

When someone says, “spring,” the most usual thing that many people think about is flowers. Despite being a common subject, do not hesitate to utilize them in your next shots.

As it happens, you can do a lot of things with flowers and produce a much fresher and more stunning output. You may add other subjects in your shot, making the whole scene as if it is a traditional still-life image.

Some of these things may include wooden boxes, glass bottles, and vintage books. These are only examples, though, as you may try other variables.

• Experiment With Water Splashes

Water splashes are a great addition to spring photography. They make the whole dynamic look much fresher and striking.

Incorporating them in your subjects may be too daunting for some, however. Even so, many experienced photographers recommend using glue guns to fixate the items that will create the water splashes.

When it comes to the positioning of the variables, you may want to turn them 90 to 180 degrees. This will create the illusion of water splashes as if they defy gravity.

• Combine Flowers and Food Photography

Spring does not only focus on nature and surroundings. In fact, many pros in the field incorporate other usual subjects like people and food for their respective spring photography.

For food, the most recommended types are desserts and sweets. They seemingly go well with flowers and plants because of the variations of vibrant hues.

Accordingly, for your spring photography, try to experiment with flowers and foods together for your output. Ensure to choose those that provide stunning accents and bright colors.

• Look for Reflections

Reflections can add more drama and narrative to your shots for spring photography. You may want to take advantage of them, especially when they reflect the things and subjects that scream “spring season.”

When looking for reflections, try checking mirrors, glasses, and water in your surroundings.

• Think Beyond Flowers

As noted, spring does not focus solely on flowers. There are lots of things in your surroundings that speak about the spring season.

Hence, you may want to take them as subjects, as well, especially if you are looking for more variations in your output.

• Capture Streams and Waterfalls

In relation to the point given above, some examples of other subjects for the spring season include streams and waterfalls. Therefore, you may need to exert effort and time to witness these things for your next photo shoot.

• Foreground Matters

When taking photos, you may want to add some things in the foreground. This is because many landscape shots will look similar to each other, despite having different subjects and interests.

So, to avoid dull shots and obtain a livelier and more life-filled output, incorporate several other things that will further emphasize the main subject of the shot.

• Take Some Portrait Photos

If you do not find adding other variables in the foreground an interesting take to your shots, you may want to utilize the “portrait” version for your photos.

This will allow you to get different views and angles to your subjects.


Whether you are into taking photos of nature or not, the spring season makes the surroundings more interesting to every photographer. You may want to take advantage of this time as this will not last long.

So, upon checking these tips and hacks, grab your camera and head out to take your shots today.


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