Home Lifestyle 5 Ways to Boost Your Attitude to Write Every Day

5 Ways to Boost Your Attitude to Write Every Day


The life of a writer is not easy. There is a lot of pressure on his or her shoulders. To be successful, a writer needs to respect the clients’ requirements and come up with unique and engaging content every time. Moreover, he or she has to respect deadlines and sacrifice personal time if necessary. However, finding the motivation to write every day is not easy. Even if you are a freelance writer or you work in an office, there are distractions everywhere. Many emotions can block you. Doubt or the fear of failure can prevent you from finding inspiration and motivation to write every day. So, if you are facing these negative thoughts and you are not sure how to overcome them, this article will help you to move on.

5 Ways to Boost Your Attitude to Write Every Day

5 Ways to Boost Your Attitude to Write Every Day

1. Remind yourself why you’re writing

Why do you write every day? Is it because you earn money? Is it because you like the idea of writing? Whatever the reason might be, reminding yourself of the reason why you’re writing will make you get up of the bed, go to the office, and start typing. You shouldn’t write just because others told you that you should do it or because it’s useful. You need to be convinced that writing is what you want to do in life. Apart from enjoying it very much, writing can also be a very profitable occupation. Also, it can help you express yourself and make a difference in a particular domain. Thus, there are many reasons which can boost your attitude to writing every day.

2. Clean up your place

Many writers cannot write in an unorganized place. When you have papers all over your desk or the room is a complete mess, it might happen to lose your inspiration and motivation. Instead of forcing yourself to write and obtain an unfortunate result, in the end, it is better to start the other way. For example, you can take a short break and take a look at the place where you are writing. Organize the area that bothers you and create a space that is both comfortable and happy.

Furthermore, your working space should match your personality. If you are an optimistic and ongoing person, then your space should be decorated in radiant and happy colors. The area you use for writing should help you feel free to express yourself.

3. Be grateful for your gift

Not everyone can be a writer. So, you should consider this skill as a unique and rare gift. Many successful professional writers made it a habit to start and end each day with prayers of gratitude. You can do this exercise by thanking the divinity for this fantastic capacity.

Moreover, you can also write down a few things for which you are grateful and end your day doing the same thing. This exercise will help you remind yourself how lucky you are to be in this position. It will help you find the motivation to move forward, even though you might have one of the toughest days of your life. Your clients don’t know how good or bad you feel each day. They expect results from you. Thus, you should find the methods that work for you to boost your attitude to write every day.

4. Take a pause and go for a walk

It is normal to feel tired or demotivated. Not all days are the same. There are days when you feel energetic, while in others, you might feel like you don’t want to get out of bed. When you are experiencing these situations, the best thing to do is to go for a walk. Going out and breathing fresh air will help you boost energy and clear out the stress. Walking in the park will help you brainstorm about your ongoing projects and come up with new ideas on the topics that you have to write about. A walk in the park is also a great physical exercise.

For example, when you exercise, you eliminate endorphins, and you will discover how quickly you will start to feel better. You can practice yoga or your favorite fitness exercises early in the morning, before going to the office and get your energy for the rest of the day.

5. Switch off any electronic devices

When you are a writer, it is very easy to be distracted. Emails, phone calls, text messages, or social media can be a great source of distractions. All the time you spend browsing on Facebook or replying to emails and messages will take you a lot of time. One of the essential aspects that clients appreciate is your ability to respect deadlines. Thus, all the beeps and pings coming from new emails or messages will distract you and take you in a different mental space. When you write, you should stay focused from beginning to end. The best solution you can find is switching off all your electronic devices and keep them like this until you finish the final revision. You will have plenty of time afterward to socialize on Facebook or reply to your emails.


Success as a writer doesn’t come easy. It takes time and a lot of effort and motivation. Even though you don’t feel in the best mood one day, you shouldn’t give up and keep writing. Moreover, it is perfectly reasonable to write bad drafts in the beginning. Each failure or negative feedback should make you get more ambitious to improve your skills and exceed clients’ expectations. Apart from the methods presented above, you may find many other ways to boost your attitude to writing every day. It is essential to develop the routines that make you feel comfortable and motivate you to keep writing.

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Shelly Lane is a dedicated blogger. She love's to explore new things and share that on her blogs. She joined this platform to increase the reach & interaction with the users on this platform. Moreover, she has written 100+ blogs on various platforms related to various topics and categories. Follow on Twitter to them.


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