A significant number of people go through their lives with a faulty money consciousness, meaning that they spend more time thinking about the finances they are lacking, instead of the possibility of earning more and bettering their lives. Many of us have been brought up with negative beliefs about money, which often prevent us from earning the money we deserve. That is why it’s crucial to change those beliefs and expand your money consciousness, in order to bring more wealth into your life.
Here are some of the most important steps you can take to expand your money consciousness:
1. Stop allowing money to identify you
Most people have an identity that is directly linked to their income, while also cultivating preconceptions about other people based on their earnings. More often than not, all of these thoughts and feelings are negative and false, although we tend to believe them subconsciously. What’s more, a lower salary can also be linked to a lower self-esteem, and the belief that a person doesn’t deserve to earn or receive money.
If you have any of these limiting beliefs about money, take some time to identify how these negative thoughts have affected you in the past, and make an effort to change your mindset. Only when you let go of these harmful thoughts can you pave the way for new, healthier and more supportive beliefs, and expand your money consciousness.
2. Increase your financial knowledge
Another thing that can easily expand your money consciousness is to learn how to make more money, how to invest the money you have and how to make your budget work for you, either by reading books and financial blogs or by going on a seminar or taking a professional course. Whether your goal in life is to start your own business, buy the home of your dreams or simply invest in your future and live comfortably, the only way you will be able to fulfill that goal is by building your knowledge and expanding your money consciousness.
3. Be mindful of your recurring expenses
Money consciousness should be extended to all areas of your life, especially those monthly expenses we tend to overlook, such as grocery shopping, internet and cellphone plans, and car expenses. Simply by searching for more affordable options online or calling your providers to find out about better deals, you can easily save on these recurring expenses.
However, it would also be wise to pay attention to those bigger yearly expenses, like your vacation, as we tend to splurge unnecessarily on such experiences, when we could easily cut the costs in this area as well, for instance by choosing the right credit card. Not only do most cards allow you to collect points and earn free flights, but some companies even offer great credit card promotion for free luggage, helping you get anything from a free travel bag to a free luggage check at the airport.
4. Set up a luxury fund for splurging
Investing in a luxury fund means setting aside a sum of money every month in order to spend on something you think is a luxury, whether that’s going to a lavish restaurant, buying a costly designer item or traveling to an exotic destination. Having a separate fund for such splurges will stop you from getting buyer’s remorse and feeling guilty about spending money on yourself, while helping you develop a healthier attitude towards money by realizing that you deserve to treat yourself every once in a while.
Everyone should have a few luxuries in their life, and setting up a fund specifically for those expenses will allow you to splurge on yourself every couple of months, and expand your money consciousness with a positive attitude.
5. Surround yourself with positive influences
The people we choose to spend our time with can have an incredible impact on us and the way we see the world, as their attitudes, views and ideas can significantly affect the way we think. That is why it’s essential to avoid negative, pessimistic people who have nothing but criticism for their financial situation and the way the world works. Of course, that doesn’t mean that you should only mingle with the rich and the elite, but rather spend your time with those who have an abundant mentality about earning, doing business and developing themselves, as these are exactly the people who will raise your money consciousness and help you have a better, more abundant money mentality.
In conclusion, earning money is not as difficult as the belief that increasing your income is actually possible; it will only happen if you believe. So, use these incredible tips to expand your money consciousness, and invest in a better future for yourself.